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FroZen_X last won the day on May 6 2019

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  1. Here is an example for this: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/keyword/ In general you find everything by right clicking in the workflow window. This will show you all the options as seen here:
  2. Can be confusing at first, but those shown(when you typed "flick") are actually fallback results and not your web search to say. Have a look here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/default-results/fallback-searches/
  3. Must say thanks for necroing this thread as I from time to time want to check this, but have been too lazy. I downloaded the workflow and tested it directly without any issues. Could it be that you deactivated notifications, maybe through "do not disturb"? Otherwise I think you need to give Alfred permission via "Accessibility", to be able to post notification.
  4. There is a setting for this described here: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/universal-actions-fine-control-over-workflow-integration/ Basically uncheck "Workflow Keyword Inputs" and "Workflow Script Filters".
  5. +1 for this In the meantime you can use the following workflow: http://ianisted.co.uk/new-finder-file-alfred-2 Its pretty old, but whenever you’re in a folder you can just open alfred and call the workflow to create a new text file.
  6. That’s exactly the reason, why I use Karabiner elements to remap "a+l" to "right arrow key". All arrow keys are mapped to "a+hjkl" like in vim(h=left, j=down, k=up, l=right). More is mapped to "a+" like "a+n" for "cmd+left arrow", but that’s extras.
  7. @yosef https://www.alfredapp.com/shop/upgrade/
  8. I know about the wildcard thanks for the info. Ill probably do a quick hack via karabiner to have a workaround for now.
  9. Hey @Andrew any timeframe when we will get to see a fix for this :/ im currently in a heavy use of this as I'm working on a lot of documentation where it gets a bit annoying i must say. Is it a harder thing to fix?
  10. To awake their thread actually click "Setup fallback results" and simply delete Amazon etc. By selecting and pressing the "-". Cheers, Frozen
  11. I have the same issue haha, sitting there for a moment and be like ummmm ummm oh yeah lemme use spotlight.....Alfred is back and there is a relieve xD like uff now the chain is released again. "you dont know what you got until its gone" That now actually reminds me that there is a bug that happened a few days ago once again oO Whenever i am browsing through a slow external drive or a server Alfred sometimes idk why tends to freeze. That’s actually all i have an issue with.
  12. That actually adds up to the option "File type icons..." which increased the performance on external drives. Having an additional option to fully deactivate them would awesome. This in addition what i just posted would make it easier to see and then access what you want.
  13. It would make many things easier. Also recalling used filters when using "previous path" would be nice to see as suggested. I totally agree with that. Like usually you search via file filter or have a list filter to directly get to a folder and from there 10-30 or more Files appear. Having a fuzzy search would make it a lot easier to get quickly to your file in a certain Folder. Especially when you call back to that folder several times.
  14. Hello everyone, currently when I navigate through my Folders i usually tend to speed the process up by typing the folder name. When I'm within a folder and wanna select a certain file, i usually type a part of that particular file name. With numbers this works perfectly shown in the following example: Test Files: Search: As you see even tho the name is "11_12" i yet can search via "1112" which is awesome. Fuzzy works in this case. However here is the same with a string, which doesn’t work: What work however is when you add a wildcard like "*": I would love to see an option to add fuzzy search for strings too, as it’s a pain when you jump back several times to a folder by using Alfreds "Previous Path" function and you have to add "*" again. Sadly Alfred doesn’t save the previous Filter you used. Cheers, Frozen
  15. Just curious, do you have any replacement for Alfred on linux? I myself have a hard time working on other machines when i don't have Alfred and Karabiner. I even have a hard time working on windows whenever i have to....i hate it lol. @nikivi has brought me to the state where i now use sticky keys, simultaneous etc. Haha My muscles memory is pretty trained for a couple of actions by now.
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