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Posts posted by slyfox

  1. Please excuse my lack of knowledge about java as I am just a regular user. I use TextExpander and found a JavaScript that can help me edit my reports. This is what I use in TextExpander

    // Start with the clipboard content
    var result = TextExpander.pasteboardText;
    // Replace double ..
    result = result.replace(/\".."/g,". ");
    // Replace duplicate words
    result = result.replace(/\b(\w+)\s+\1\b /g, "$1 ");;
    // Replace double spaces
    result = result.replace(/  /g, " ");

    Is there any way to make Alfred to the same? I know I can create a javascript workflow that can be triggers using a keyboard shortcut but how do I make it work with clipboard content?

  2. Can someone please help me solve this problem:


    When I finish writing a report, I need to replace XX with the last name of the client. So far, I manually have to do these steps:


    1. Copy the last name of the client

    2. CMD+Option+F

    3. Type XX

    4. Hit Tab

    5. Paste the last name of the client (CMD +V)

    6. Move the mouse cursor to All button.


    I use Ulysses for writing.


    Can this be done faster?

  3. I am having a very difficult time figuring out why when searching similar files (in-content search), Alfred only shows some but not other files.


    My text files look like this:

    Tags: #client
    Status: #active
    Note content

    My Alfred search is setup to search within folder - Title + Content search. When I search for "#client client name" Alfred only reveals some files but not others. Spotlight shows all files.


    Any ideas?

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