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  1. Here's what I wound up doing, but I still wouldn't mind learning if there is a faster way: ls ~/dev/*/public | grep : | awk -F'/' '{print $5}' | grep $1 | while read -r line ; do echo "<item arg='$line'>" echo "<title>$line</title>" echo "<subtitle>Launch - $line </subtitle>" echo "</item>" done
  2. I have a terminal command that gets me a list of the specific directories I want to be able to pass to an terminal action. My goal is to be able to type a keyword, and as I'm typing having it narrow down the list of possible directories, and when I press enter have it do something with the folder name highlighted. In the past, I'd set up a .sh file to create an xml response, but I was wondering if there is something simpler and perhaps I'm over-complicating things. I should mention that I'm looking for any directory in a specific location that also contains a sub-folder called "public" (non-recursive), otherwise I'd just use the file filter. Is there a way to do a find-as-you-type without writing a script to generate an XML response since all I need is the folder name and no other metadata?
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