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  1. @deanishe I am having trouble with gcal config. I am running Alfred v3 with gcal workflow release v0.3.0 I get an error as displayed below when gcal plug calls the workflow associated with gcalconf workflow:login The browser shows, 401. That’s an error. Error: deleted_client The OAuth client was deleted. Request Details access_type=offline client_id=xxxyyyzzz.apps.googleusercontent.com prompt=consent redirect_uri=http://localhost:61432 response_type=code scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email state=xxxyyyzzz Is that localhost server supposed to be stood up before we make the OAuth API call? Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.
  2. Thank you dfay. That helps a lot. I was not quite sure if just generating those is the way to go. I noticed these json files when I moved from v2 to v3.
  3. Hi, Earlier version of alfread had a sqllite based db for storing snippets. Is that still the case for Alfred 3? Is there some direction on creating snippets from scripts or other CLI tools possibly bundled with alfred? The workflow for cmd+s from clipboard view seems tedious for every day/hour workflows. https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3119-create-new-snippet/ was very handy workflow. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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