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Posts posted by graphorce

  1. If you don’t want that a file inside Dropbox is moved or copied to the Public folder you can add this line before tell application “Finder":

    set sCheck to thefile as string
    if scheck contains "Dropbox" then return "File is from Dropbox"

    I didn’t test it but that’s a possible way to do that. :)


    Thanks for this, to which script do you add this? File name?


    Is it possible to have this natively inside the extension in the next update?



  2. \nyway to use this with custom domains on bit.ly?


    Never mind, got it to work. Thanks a lot for the workflow! :)


    For those who are wondering how to do it, edit the shorten script in the workflow, find & replace:

    'bit.ly' : {'api_url':'https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten?format=json&login=yourusername&apiKey=yourlegacyapikey&longUrl=','title':'bit.ly','des':'http://targetdomain.com'},


    Target domain must be added to your 'custom short domain name' in bit.ly settings.

  3. Ok, I added days, weeks, months and years. It should work like this:

    This will be added in 7 days::Alfred is great


    It creates a task with

    This will be added


    You have to add it at the end of the task (not at the end of the note) with an " in " in front of it.

    The other stuff like next monday etc will be added soon.


    Just tried this and it works great, thanks a lot! :) 

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