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Everything posted by Qique

  1. Next update: I have now hardcoded the app_name and bundle_id again in the directory list, and I do see the scripts now, but again I see them always. So back to the challenge of only seeing the scripts of OmniFocus when working in OmniFocus, or DevonThink when I am working with DT...
  2. Apologies for the late response. Busy at work this week ? Yes, I have followed the Alfred instructions.... When I just opened the appscript instruction I saw an update available, which I applied. When I now run the .as command I do see the Omnifocus scripts but don't see the DEVONthink ones... And I see the Omnifocus scripts even when OmniFocus isn't active... So, I just don't know anymore.... When I run with debugger, the script considers Alfred as the frontmost app, while I have changed to working for example to Omnifocus.. Makes sense because I am switching to Alfred when I activate the script....
  3. Thanks for the reaction deanishe, but after I have done that, I keep getting the message "no scripts for Alfred 3"... My directories are configured as follows: ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/{app_name} ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/{bundle_id} ~/Library/Application Scripts/{app_name} ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus3.MacAppStore ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro Office/Scripts ~/Library/Application Support/{bundle_id}/Scripts ~/Library/Containers/{bundle_id}/Data/Library/Application Support/{app_name}/Scripts What am I still doing wrong? Thanks for the continued support.
  4. Hi, just discovered the workflow (great work!) and installed. The problem I'm having is that it doesn't show me only the scripts for the active application, but shows me all scripts I have... I'm running under Mojave (10.14) and use Alfred3. What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help? Thanks in advance!
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