I want it to work like firechrome, but for Chrome and Safari.
If I'm in Safari, I want the hotkey to take me directly to the same page in Chrome.
If I'm in Chrome, I want the hotkey to take me directly to the same page in Safari.
Thanks for your help.
I'm trying to edit it so it just goes back and forth between safari and chrome - no stop in an Alfred window looking for a return along the way.
Sadly I've got it down to 1 choice, but it still needs a return.
set query to "{query}" set xml to "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><items>" set browsers to {"Google Chrome"}
set browsersID to {"com.google.Chrome"} set listCount to 0 repeat with browser in browsers set listCount to listCount + 1 set browserID to item listCount of browsersID
if checkApp(browserID) and (query is equal to "" or browser contains query) then set xml to xml & "<item arg=\"" & browserID & "\" valid=\"yes\">
<title>" & browser & "</title>
<subtitle>Open URL in " & browser & "</subtitle>
<icon>" & browser & ".png</icon></item>" end if end repeat set xml to xml & "</items>" return xml
on checkApp(theBundleId) try tell application "Finder" to get application file id theBundleId return true on error return false end try end checkApp