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Tobi from Munich

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Posts posted by Tobi from Munich

  1. 16 minutes ago, Tobi from Munich said:

    Any other ideas? Are you sure it can't be anything about permissions or else? Where do I go from here?


    For any poor crusader running into the same issue. Here is the → solution 😉 :


    On 7/9/2020 at 4:24 PM, Vero said:

    There's likely been some corruption in macOS establishing whether Alfred has the necessary permissions. Removing and resetting this permission should take care of it :)

  2. 1 hour ago, vitor said:


    Are you sure ⌘K is the right shortcut and that doing it manually results in the desired behaviour? I don’t use ClickUp so I can’t go through all steps but everything looks to be working.


    Do note that the second Copy to Clipboard needs to have {clipboard}, not {query}, because otherwise you’re copying the passed website address.


    I tried it with ⌘Q (quit) or ⌘W (close window). Neither of these work either.

    Thanks, I replaced the second Copy to Clipboard to have {clipboard}, instead of {query}.


    Any other ideas? Are you sure it can't be anything about permissions or else? Where do I go from here?

  3. Hey guys, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Please have a look at the screenshot attached.


    I'm trying to open the website (that works just fine) and there I'd like the script to hit CMD+K (to open the search bar) and then CMD+V to paste the query I copied earlier. Well, NONE of my script actually does ANYTHING. The query doesn't go to the clipboard and the system events don't hit any shortcuts.


    I'd appreciate some help. I'm sure for a Pro, this is just a tiny hint to give me a hand.


    Thanks a lot!! 🤓


    tell application "System Events"
        set {query} to the clipboard as string
        delay 10
        keystroke "k" using {command down}
        keystroke "v" using {command down}
    end tell



  4. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:

    It's generally not very clear what you're asking for (particularly in terms of the way the API works). You can't just get a list of all tasks from the API, but rather only tasks within a workspace or within a project (within a workspace), or tasks assigned to you.


    So can projects be ignored, or should they also be shown? E.g.


    Title of Task
    Name of task's project/workspace/both


    What about sub-tasks? Should they also be listed or be ignored? What about completed tasks?


    Ah, I see. Right.


    My idea is to get all uncompleted tasks and uncompleted subtasks of uncompleted tasks within all projects of one certain workspace.

    (If nothing can be found it'd be great to have the option, to create a new task. But I understand this is a totally different scope, so never mind.)


    Does that work for you or shall we document things more detailed?



  5. 6 hours ago, deanishe said:

    I looked into it, and it's not so clear what you're asking. As far as I can tell from Asana's API docs, there are no "comments" on tasks.


    Without a more detailed description of exactly what you want, I'm hesitant to say I'll build you the workflow for a fixed price because there's a good chance that the workflow wouldn't be what you wanted and you'll want it changed.


    If you can be more specific, then I will make it for you.


    Hi @deanishe, thanks for looking into it.


    But I'm not sure, what your mean. If I go to the link you provided and search for "comment", I get 64 hits on the page, mostly in this section about how to create a task's story and in the definition of the story. I think in their terminology, the "comments" within a certain task form its "story".

    Also, have a look at the attached image. This is what a typical task looks like with all its comments.

    Does this make it more clear?

    Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-12 um 06.50.22.jpg

  6. Hi dear Alfred people!

    This is my first post, even though I've been using Alfred Workflows for many years now.


    I'm on a journey to easily integrate my ever expanding number of client communication channels into my task management workflow. After trying really many systems I give up – almost! Finally I thought: Wait a moment, there's one tool that might hold the power to solve that issue.


    What I dream of:

    1. I copy text (or maybe even an image!?) from anywhere (mail, whatsapp, skype, slack, etc.)
    2. I open Alfred and start typing to find the task
    3. Fuzzy search results show Asana tasks
    4. I decide for one of them and that's it: My content is pasted as a comment into that task.


    I'm no coder, I don't have the patience or time. But I would pay somebody to solve that for me. Let's say US $ 200,– ?

    Very kind regards


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