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Posts posted by runningwithscissors

  1. Is there a way to shorten or truncate the "result subtext"?


    I store things on OneDrive in a deeply nested folder structure. I also have a lot of similarly-name documents, so I rely heavily on the "result subtext" to pick the right one from Alfred's file picker.


    But the full directory is getting too long for Alfred to display, even with small font and maxed out window width. This has been compounded by OneDrive's recent move even more deeply into ~Library with MacOS 12.2.

  2. Vero is right. It's not an Alfred issue, this is on OneDrive. I had the same issue yesterday and it was driving me crazy. The solution was essentially what Vero said: "adding ~/Library/CloudStorage to your search scope."


    For some reason, probably due to upcoming changes in Mac OS 12.3, OneDrive has moved directory locations. It now resides in the Library directory (for me that's ~/Users/[username]/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.OneDriveStandaloneSuite/OneDrive.noindex/OneDrive/). So once I realized that, I had to go back into Alfred preference and have it search that new directory rather than the old one. Problem solved.

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