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Will B Chang

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  1. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Alfred updates a lot of new features in recent years which is great! I'll learn User Configuration, Universal Actions and Automation Tasks to improve my existing workflows to make them up-to-date. I'm so happy that Alfred finally has the official store, I'll resubmit when they meets the specifications. I shall kindly remind that this workflow page is 404. https://www.alfredapp.com/media/workflows/open-image-in-safari.alfredworkflow/ Agreed. I like his talks very much.
  2. Will B Chang


    I'm not the author. It makes share with airdrop easily in Chrome and Finder. https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/airdrop One click to evoke airdrop and send the selected something to the target device Currently only supports English and Simplified Chinese You can share file、photo、url. Support File Action Support multi file selection. I add alt + A as hotkey so I can trigger Airdrop quickly without open Alfred.
  3. I'm not the author. Alfred needs a window manager. https://github.com/pawelgrzybek/div Hotkeys Use predefined settings and add custom hotkeys to them to place windows in common locations: ⌃ ⌥ 1 Full ⌃ ⌥ 2 Medium ⌃ ⌥ 3 Small ⌃ ⌥ ← Left ⌃ ⌥ → Right ⌃ ⌥ ↑ Top ⌃ ⌥ ↓ Bottom
  4. I'm the author. I wrote this to use the main features I liked of Popclip in Alfred. https://github.com/willbchang/alfred-search-selection It has three features: - If selection is an image, upload it and return a link, then do google search (This feature may have broken, I'll fix it soon.) - Else If the text has url(s), open all of them in the default browser. - Else do text search, if it has line breaks split it to multiple search.
  5. I'm the author. https://github.com/willbchang/alfred-open-in-editor One hotkey do lots of thing! - Launch Editor - Bring Editor to front window - Open file/folder in Editor. - Easily change TextEditor/IDE. Support Vim and Emacs!
  6. I'd like to recommend https://github.com/gharlan/alfred-github-workflow It requires php.
  7. https://github.com/willbchang/alfred-open-in-editor One hotkey: - Launch Editor - Bring Editor to front window - Open file/folder in Editor Easily change TextEditor/IDE. Support Vim and Emacs!
  8. Use Shift + Space and fn + somekey as your hotkey triggers. https://github.com/willbchang/alfred-extend-hotkey-triggers
  9. I'm using this theme: alfred-blurred-dark-theme with Alfred4.1[1164]
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