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  1. @vitor thank you so much for your reply..here is the debugger of yours dente azul workflow [14:10:53.387] Dente Azul[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [14:10:53.489] Dente Azul[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:10:53.490] Dente Azul[Script Filter] {"items":[{"title":"Bluetooth is On","subtitle":"Action to turn it off","arg":"off","icon":{"path":"icon.png"}}]} [14:10:55.886] Dente Azul[Script Filter] Processing complete [14:10:55.892] Dente Azul[Script Filter] Passing output 'off' to Run Script
  2. Hi everyone bluetooth workflow is not working after the macOS Sonama update...I have installed blueutil, but no luck can anyone give me the simple workflow for Bluetooth on/off Many thanks for considering my request.
  3. this workflow use to work fine before macos 12.3, but now it shows this...i am also sharing workflow 👉 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jBnAjuRmW6xFHISqpZogx-1Hjunkfbek/view?usp=sharing i have installed homebrew and i have also checked that i have python3 ....please if anyone can help me out step by step or edit this workflow ...this workflow is very important to me @vitor
  4. @skynet01 Thank You:🙏
  5. @skynet01Thank you ...it is working...however how do i implement this with alfred??...i'm sorry i new to this workflows....could you please share if you have made this workflow?? 🙏
  6. @skynet01 Please let me know if you are able to do this 🙏.
  7. macOS Monterey is here and under battery there is a new feature known as low power mode. does anyone have a workflow to turn on and off via alfred?? i use this feature a lot and it would be really helpful for me to use this via alfred quickly. please🙏
  8. @deanishe Thanks🙏
  9. Whenever i try to delete a workflow it says please help🙏...i want to delete these workflows🙏
  10. Thanks... It Worked🙏🥳
  11. it worked..Yipeeee🥳 Thank You... just one thing instead of showing notification can i show it to alfred search box ??
  12. @vitor Thanks for the reply I am new to this workflow thing i somewhat tried following your steps but couldn’t 😔 i have attached my failed attempt workflow below👇 Could you please correct it for me.. Thanks 🙏
  13. Does anyone have a workflow to check battery charge cycles??
  14. Hi all, is there any workflow that i can open let's say 3 different apps in a different desktops rather than manually swiping up with 3 fingers on the track pad and adding desktops. Thanks in Advance.
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