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Posts posted by nagym

  1. 40 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    Holy shit! That must be mostly simulated keypresses and clicks?



    For some, yeah. There are a combination of scripts, Automator-built-applications, list filters, couple of PUT commands for the lights, and a lot of call external triggers linking to other Alfred workflows. The trickiest part was setting it up so that all of this runs from a single key press on the keyboard that looks at the status of a bunch of apps (to determine if any video or audio components are active) and also the current time to determine which menu to bring up (start or close conference), what light options (daytime vs. nighttime), etc. 



    40 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    Nice. Normally, you should put the source code in the GitHub repo, not (just) the built .alfredworkflow file.



    Booyah, thanks for the tip. I uploaded it, though mine is rather boring since it's all done in Alfred without any scripting work. One day I'll build something that looks half as impressive and clean as yours!

  2. 6 hours ago, vitor said:

    AppleScript is an underpowered language that is dying (Apple doesn’t care for it and fired the people in charge of improving it); it’s unpopular (documentation and good help are hard to find); and what you learn from it isn’t easily transferable (it deviates from other languages in key points).


    Thanks @vitor, totally agree with you! I'm not at all in the engineering space (business development, actually) but since I started using Alfred, I was actually inspired to start learning by 'doing.' I wanted to make an addition here, a modification here, etc. and next thing I know here I am. And that's pretty cool considering what sparked it!


    I will definitely learn more about the other languages, thanks for the suggestions. I found the GUI scripting something I really use, which is probably why I started down the AS path. One of my 'most impressive' (to me) workflows is for video conferencing. Basically, menus that launch the appropriate application, changes my input/outputs on the computer, starts a mini DAW along with Audio Unit plugins for my external microphone, starts my Elgato lights, turns on Hue lighting, turns on screen mirroring to the TV while texting people in the house that I"m on a conference call, all the while minimizing every application and putting DND on my calendar. 5 seconds to start all that vs. the manual work? Win. 


    I think I liked the concept of AS for that application since it's across such a wide variety of macOS programs vs. Electron apps vs. GET and POST actions, AppleScript could accomplish them all via GUI. 


    Is there a certain language that you suggest I should start with that has similar capabilities of being almost 'universal to every app' regardless of how that app is built? Or I could just be overcomplicating something simple. Probably, actually. 🙂




    5 hours ago, deanishe said:

    Are those links permanent or "auto-deleted after X days" links?


    We recommend hosting any workflows you share somewhere permanent (a GitHub repo or GitHub pages website is a great choice). People will still want to download your workflow years from now.


    I love the icons.


    EDIT: Is that iCloud drive link correct? It says you've shared a folder. It won't let me download it, at any rate. Only copy it to my own iCloud Drive.


    Hey @deanishe! Great call, I didn't even think about the timeline aspect. The iCloud was indeed a shared folder that just contained that workflow, so that if I updated an icon or two, it would stay 'updated' for any new downloads. I didn't even think about a GitHub repo, which is silly, considering I find all of the coolest 'speakeasy' macOS applications on there. I'll do that now and update the original!


    Thanks RE: icons. You'd think there would be some place like icons8, or really anywhere that had all the keyboard letters as a pack, but nope. Actually, to save someone any potential future headaches, I'll post that above, too!


  3. About Workflow

    As someone pretty new to the world of scripting, automations and Alfred, I found myself constantly referring to the AppleScript key code list for certain GUI automations (I'm sure many of these are easily done via other language, but I'm learning to walk first!) 

    After a while of doing this, I decided to look for a key code workflow but really couldn't find one that had all the keys mapped. While I was building it, I also thought I'd shave off a couple of seconds of typing by outputting the text including any appropriate modifier keys (such as key code 12 using {command down, shift down}), created icons for each key, and now thought someone else could benefit from this fun little build.






    Hotkey + Space followed by any letter on the keyboard. If you need modifiers, press any combination and hit enter. The workflow will paste the result in the application with focus and include any modifiers such as {command down, option down}.


    I'm sure there are cleaner ways to make it work in Alfred that doesn't involve so many modifier paths, so I would love to learn how I might be able to do that (keeping in mind I'm still elementary school with AppleScript only).





    The workflow can be downloaded from GitHub here. The icons used in this workflow (an icon for each letter of the keyboard) can also be downloaded from the same source).



  4. Hi there! This is my first workflow that I'm sharing, so I'm sure there are more efficient ways to make this workflow. Actually, Alfred inspired me to start learning some basic coding (as I think it has a lot of non-developers) and had a lot of fun making this workflow!


    This uses Savvycal scheduling software, a recent product launch that competes with Calendly. They have a great comparison here, but coming from the former after years, SavvyCal is awesome as-is so far and their roadmap looks terrific. (For example, my favorite feature is the ability to have multiple sets of 'availability', so I can have my preferred times, perhaps a secondary set of times I don't prefer as much and a 'worse-case' set of availability that I really don't want anyone to schedule, but it's there if nothing else works. When folks go to book with you, they see your availability in that ranked order.)


    One of the features they have right now is the ability to have the name and email address of the recipient pre-filled when sending the link. They also have a feature to create completely custom links for individuals, but it can't be done on the fly right now.


    This workflow takes a) highlighted text in an application and replaces it with a hyperlink customized for the recipient (used when workflow activated by hotkey) or b) creates the custom URL and copies to your clipboard (when workflow activated by keyword).


    GIF of the workflow: http://share.nagy.co/ANFCu6l






    1. Install Pandoc, if not already installed. This is for converting text to rich text.
    2. Install this workflow and set a Hotkey input that copies highlighted text.
    3. Under the List Filter (or #2 red), this is where the scheduling links and information go from Savvycal. Title is used internally. The Args field should be the full URL of your SavvyCal profile followed by the scheduling link page. For example, if your profile is https://www.savvycal.com/alfred, and the scheduling link URL for your event is test-event, the Args field would read https://www.savvycal.com/alfred/test-event?. Make sure the question mark is included after the link.


    Installation Screenshots

    Hotkey Setup & Meeting Types


     image.thumb.png.545a474c660861c94af75daf00e40868.png         oIH5lroHr9sL5C6CSk8owKhvrJvgEtiSSVKwliq1iI2lTOZkyHxmzdYkfqtKmfQ9EmvdokInTMbGcD1ceoyLITJprjKJn4snkOQIlHyX-Do




    Grabbing the URL from SavvyCal to put into Arg field




    You can either highlight text and use the hotkey, or simply use the keyword to trigger the workflow. The workflow will ask for the recipients name and email address, and have you pick from the list of your events what type you'd like to create.


    If your workflow was triggered via keyword, the completed URL will be copied to your clipboard.





    If your workflow was triggered via hotkey and you had words highlighted, the workflow will paste the URL and replace your highlighted word.



    Thanks! Please let me know if you have any tips or suggestions, I'd love to learn how to better improve this workflow and learn some more basic skills :)


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