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Posts posted by nycdude

  1. I'm looking for keyboard shortcuts for Safari for the following:

    1. Copy the URL and title to clipboard
    2. Close tabs to the right
    3. Show previous active tab
    4. Show Next active tab

    There are chrome extensions for all of these....


    [they are: 


    1. Copy the URL and title to clipboard: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-url-to-clipboard/miancenhdlkbmjmhlginhaaepbdnlllc
    2. Close tabs to the right: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keyboard-shortcuts-to-clo/dkoadhojigekhckndaehenfbhcgfeepl
    3. Show previous active tab: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clut-cycle-last-used-tabs/cobieddmkhhnbeldhncnfcgcaccmehgn
    4. Show Next active tab: same as 3. ]


    ...but not for Safari.  Does anyone know how to have these keyboard shortcuts with Safari using workflows  or some other method?



  2. Hi, Alfred is checked off in Full Disk Access.   Does the fact that the other search scripts (Bookmarks and History) function properly but Filter Tabs does not provide a clue here?  


    I was using Alfred and the workflow and it works fine on my Macbook. I backed up the HD and restored it to a new Mac Mini M1 and the issue began there.   Perhaps that also is a clue as to what is causing this?





  3. I am also having this same issue. This makes a workflow (firefox assistant) not work fully (alfred does not load pages automatically in firefox.)  The workflow simply will not populate the automation settings.  I've updated and reinstalled Alfred numerous times.  I know it has to be populated because on my macbook they are there but not on my mac mini.   Any idea, anyone? thanks.


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