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meeffe last won the day on October 28 2017

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  1. you have it in the private message, thanks
  2. I thought that this is a global problem, not mine. What do you need?
  3. extension does not work at this moment its connected, installed etc but when I try to open some tab or bookmarks it recognizes them but notinng happen - I mean it do not open bookmarks or tabs. I use ff 84 @deanishe it has a lof of potential but for some reason it does not work. Can you investigate?
  4. Hello, Do we have a workflow for searching NimbusNote? By tags OR/AND by note titles OR/AND by folders? I can't find it
  5. What did i do wrong here? <?php $args = explode("\n", $argv[1]); // loop through args foreach ($args as $arg) { // create the url $url = 'https://ahrefs.com/v3-keywords-explorer/google/it/overview?keyword=' . rawurlencode(trim($arg)) . ' match'; // open the url in the default browser shell_exec('open ' . escapeshellarg($url)); } ?> When I use above code with 2-or more words query e.g. "chicago bulls" I receive the following output - chicago%20bulls match When I use urlencode instead of rawurlencode %20 just transforms into "+" so thats not it How to modify the code above so that I will get
  6. thanks deanishe Last time .urlencode part was at the end. Thanks again.
  7. @deanishe what about this one? When we take this piece of code: <?php $args = explode("\n", $argv[1]); // loop through args foreach ($args as $arg) { // create the url $url = 'https://www.google.es/search?q=' . urlencode(trim($arg)); // open the url in the default browser shell_exec('open ' . escapeshellarg($url)); } ?> I would like this script to automatically add some word/s after // create the url $url = 'https://www.google.es/search?q=' . urlencode(trim($arg)); e.g. when I use this search query - "toronto raptors" I'm getting https://www.google.es/search?q=toronto+raptors but I would like to get https://www.google.es/search?q=toronto+raptors+match How to add "match" to the query below so it would be a main keyword+match // create the url $url = 'https://www.google.es/search?q=' . urlencode(trim($arg)); It's a noobie question but I don't know nothing about php sadly. Thanks, Michal
  8. thanks @deanishe It was quick and easy I guess. Anyway check your paypal Thanks a ton again!;)
  9. @deanishe or anyone else - could you help me with one more thing? Im sick of trying today Gogole trends has the ability to compare terms e.g. France and Spain https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?geo=IT&q=France,Spain How to modify the code below so that every time I want to check "France" or "Italy" or "Kuba" (paste this argument into a window) it will be compared to Spain (in this example) https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?geo=IT&q=France,Spain https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?geo=IT&q=Italy,Spain https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?geo=IT&q=Kubae,Spain code as a reference below <?php $args = explode("\n", $argv[1]); // loop through args foreach ($args as $arg) { // create the url $url = 'https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&geo=IT&q=' . urlencode(trim($arg)); // open the url in the default browser shell_exec('open ' . escapeshellarg($url)); } ?> Thanks in advance, Michael
  10. OK I fixed it by myself I belive - I used rawurlencode instead of urlencode
  11. If any of you would be kind to help me with one small thing I tried to use this workflow with another tool called ahrefs.com and it works fine with single words but when I use 2,3 or 4 words in one query I get + in between in search field e.g. I used double decked ship and received double+decked+ship in a search field Ahrefs uses %20 as a space https://ahrefs.com/v3-keywords-explorer/google/us/overview?keyword=double%20decker%20ship So how to encode spaces as %20 in the following code? <?php $args = explode("\n", $argv[1]); // loop through args foreach ($args as $arg) { // create the url $url = 'https://ahrefs.com/v3-keywords-explorer/google/it/overview?keyword=' . urlencode(trim($arg)); // open the url in the default browser shell_exec('open ' . escapeshellarg($url)); } ?>
  12. wow thanks a ton! I bought you some beers - check paypal;) Thanks again.
  13. I did that without success Proper file here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/17gk6kejzepwk4e/Google Trends (IT) - multiple keywords.alfredworkflow?dl=0
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