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Posts posted by smartishhome

  1. Hi Alan -

    On 4/1/2022 at 5:23 PM, smartishhome said:

    So the path that now works correctly is:

    /Users/smartishhome/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.OneDriveSyncClientSuite/OneDrive.noindex/OneDrive


    The path I provided earlier (and quoted immediately above) is the path to which the symlink points.  My previous post was unclear as I did not specify that I was referring to 


    On 4/1/2022 at 4:53 AM, Vero said:

    It's possible that Alfred is looking at the old location where there might be a OneDrive symlink. If that's the case, change your sync location to the new location of the OneDrive data and see if that solves the issue.


    when I said


    On 4/1/2022 at 5:23 PM, smartishhome said:

    @Vero That was the problem!  I did as suggested and set the preferences folder to the new location of my OneDrive data and after accepting the notice that Alfred popped up and the quick close and restarting of Alfred I was able to delete the personal snippet just like it used to work. 


    Hopefully, with this clarification the thread will make more sense as you go back and read though the entire thread. 


    2 hours ago, Alan He said:



    The path you highlighted in the image above is valid in Big Sur and earlier versions which is what I had intended with the following message:


    On 4/2/2022 at 11:50 PM, smartishhome said:

    FWIW I confirmed the ability to delete a personal snippet on my other mac (it continues to work) that is running Big Sur (11.6.5) and that still syncs the Alfred Preferences from the folder located within




    So the path change is only required in Monterey it seems.  



  2. 6 hours ago, Alan He said:


    one mac is big sur, another is monterey.


    error again. you solved?




    Hi Alan - I might be able to clarify how I fixed the issue of not being able to delete personal snippets but I am not sure what you have tried exactly and what exactly is not working.  I see you said you attempted to change the sync from OneDrive to iCloud.  There is a notice to check the Sync help page that states essentially (see image for specific wording) Dropbox is preferred and iCloud and GoogleDrive are known to cause problems.  For those reasons, I did not choose iCloud nor Google.  


    If you switch back to OneDrive, I found that the sync folder I had been using in Big Sur still worked on the Mac running Big Sur without any change of configuration needed.  The only machine that required me to change the Alfred preferences sync folder location was my Mac running Monterey.   

    On 4/1/2022 at 5:23 PM, smartishhome said:

    So the path that now works correctly is:

    /Users/smartishhome/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.OneDriveSyncClientSuite/OneDrive.noindex/OneDrive

     I don't know that the path that worked on my Monterey machine will work for you but my guess is you could probably get on the right path using the information above.  I just used Finder to find the folder location by navigating down to the root of the hard drive and then clicked on "Users" --> my username --> "Library" --> "Group Containers".  At that point you should look for the folder with ".OneDriveSyncClientSuite" in it (maybe that folder will start with "UBF" but if it doesn't...).  Once you find that then click on "OneDrive.noindex" --> "OneDrive".  Then continue clicking on folders until you get to the location where your Alfred preferences folder is located.   

    Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 5.54.17 PM.png

  3. FWIW I confirmed the ability to delete a personal snippet on my other mac (it continues to work) that is running Big Sur (11.6.5) and that still syncs the Alfred Preferences from the folder located within




    So the path change is only required in Monterey it seems.  


  4. @Vero That was the problem!  I did as suggested and set the preferences folder to the new location of my OneDrive data and after accepting the notice that Alfred popped up and the quick close and restarting of Alfred I was able to delete the personal snippet just like it used to work.  


    The OneDrive data is definitely buried in the user Library.  I have enough data stored in OneDrive that it was apparent which folder structure I needed to dig into to reach the relevant directory.  It may be less apparent to users that have less data being synced in OneDrive so the file path below is how I navigated to where I needed to be (which is easier for me to show than to try and put words to it).


    The following paths both lead back to the same file system object. 


    So the path that now works correctly is:

    /Users/smartishhome/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.OneDriveSyncClientSuite/OneDrive.noindex/OneDrive


    which equates to the familiar OneDrive folder accessible from the Finder Sidebar (via the button with a Microsoft cloud icon followed by the word OneDrive).  See attached image for reference.  


    Hopefully, that all makes sense but if it's muddy I'd be happy to clarify further.  

    OneDrive in Finder Sidebar.png

  5. Hi.  Yes, I am syncing Alfred preferences using OneDrive.  I have Files On Demand turned on but have designated the folder containing the synced Alfred preferences (as well as the Alfred preferences file itself) as 'Always Keep on This Device'.  I have been utilizing OneDrive for a couple of years for this purpose and this hasn't been a problem.  For what its worth OneDrive appears to have changed the way it is implemented on Mac fairly recently and I'm not sure what the technical term is but janky is a reasonably accurate way to describe how OneDrive storage is now shown in Finder.

    Regarding deleting workflows, yes I can delete workflow at will and without exception.    

  6. I am unable to delete personal snippets that I have created.


    • I attempted to delete a personal snippet that I created in the Snippets section of Features within Alfred Preferences.  I tried to right click and select delete on the line item I wanted to delete as well as highlighting the line item and pressing the minus sign in the bottom right of the section. Either way, I received a notification with the options of cancel and delete.  I selected delete but the snippet was not deleted.  
    • I was unsuccessful at deleting the snippet on multiple attempts and after closing Alfred and restarting Alfred.  
    • I am attaching a screenshot of the error message I received and eventually noticed. 

    "The file "xxxxxxx[xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx].json" could not be moved to the trash.  

    • Alfred 4.6.4 [1294]
    • macOS Monterey Version 12.3


    Thanks for your help!

    Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 9.24.58 AM.png

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