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Posts posted by mjp

  1. @deanishe: I will consider that. Haven't read about best practice regarding releasing workflows yet, as I just spent some minutes hacking it together. Will read up on it and release it. But it feels somewhat banal as I just hacked it together borrowing the most interesting parts from @vitor's NewFile. I feel it (or a better version of it) would do better as part of @vitor:s already excellent set of workflows which has more audience attraction and better chance of reaching those users that might have use for it. But if @vitor doesn't mind, I can look into releasing it as a separate one. Will give credit to @vitor of course.

  2. 1. Copy workflow NewFile and rename copy to NewDir

    2. Change keywords nf to nd and nfo to ndo in NewDir

    3. Change variable open_file to open_dirs in the two Args and vars utilities.

    4. Edit the Run script action, change the with input as argv to with input as {query}, and running instances should be Sequentially, and then replace the Script with below:


    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CREDITS:
    # - Step 1 and partially Step 3 is based on Vítor Galvão:s NewFile workflow
    # NOTES:
    # - This is just a simple wrapper around the built-in macOS bash-shell and mkdir command.
    # - To use spaces in directory names, use quotes (single and double work): "Dir 1", 'Dir 1', "Dir 1-"{1..3}, 'Dir 2-'{1..3} etc.
    # - This uses spaces as argument delimiters, change Step 2 below if you want to use another delimiter
    # - nd dir1
    # - nd dir1 dir2
    # - nd 'dir 1'
    # - nd "dir 1"
    # - nd 'dir 1' 'dir 2'
    # - nd 'dir '{1..10}
    # - nd "dir "{1..10}
    # - nd 'dir 1-'{1..10} 'dir 2-'{1..10}
    # - nd "dir 1-"{1..10} "dir 2-"{1..10}
    # - nd 'dir 1' 'dir 2' 'dir 3' 'dir {4,5,10}' 'dir '{10..100}
    # - nd 'dir 1' 'dir 2' 'dir 3-'{1..3} 'dir 4-'{1..3}
    # - nd dir{1..10}/subdir{1..10}
    # - nd 'dir '{1..10}/'subdir '{1..10}
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Step 1. Set pwd/dir_path to that of frontmost app
    dir_path="$(osascript -l JavaScript -e '
      const frontmost_app_name = Application("System Events").applicationProcesses.where({ frontmost: true }).name()[0]
      if (frontmost_app_name === "Finder") {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Finder").insertionLocation().url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
      } else if(frontmost_app_name === "Path Finder") {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Path Finder").finderWindows[0].target.url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
      } else {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Finder").desktop.url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Step 2. Set spaces as delimiters for arguments
    IFS=$' '
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Step 3. for each arg, create dir(s), and if ndo command: open them afterwards
    for dir in {query}; do
      # set new dir loc according to frontmost app
      # create new dir(s) according to arguments
      mkdir -p "${new_dir_loc}"
      # if using ndo command, then open newly created dir(s) afterwards
      if [[ "${open_dirs}" == 'yes' ]];
        then open "${new_dir_loc}";
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    The above works for simple Alfred commands such as:


    nd dir to create dir named dir in foremost dir.

    nd dir{1,2,3} to create dirs named dir1,dir2,dir3 in foremost dir.

    nd dir{1..3} to create dirs named dir1,dir2,dir3 in foremost dir.

    nd dir{1..3} dir{5..8} to create dirs named dir1,dir2,dir3,dir5,dir6,dir7,dir8 in foremost dir.

    nd dir{1..3}/dir{1..3} to create dirs dir1, dir2, dir3, dir1/dir1, dir1/dir2, dir1/dir3, dir2/dir1, dir2/dir2 etc. starting from foremost dir.


  3. @Phaks I use the following code:


    dir_path="$(osascript -l JavaScript -e '
      const frontmost_app_name = Application("System Events").applicationProcesses.where({ frontmost: true }).name()[0]
      if (frontmost_app_name === "Finder") {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Finder").insertionLocation().url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
      } else if(frontmost_app_name === "Path Finder") {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Path Finder").finderWindows[0].target.url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
      } else {
        decodeURIComponent(Application("Finder").desktop.url()).slice(7).slice(0, -1)
    for dir in ${@}; do
      mkdir "${dir_location}"
      if [[ "${open_dirs}" == 'yes' ]]; then open "${dir_location}"; fi


    Note that I also changed the variable names in the Arg and vars utilities from open_files to open_dirs.


    Will later look into enabling syntax that directories can be created using native mkdir syntax such as (nd is the Alfred command for creating the new directories):


    nd Dir1 'Dir 2' "Dir 3" Dir{4,5,6} Dir{7..100}


    to create below directories in current foremost directory:



    Dir 2

    Dir 3

    Dir 4

    Dir 5

    Dir 6

    Dir 7


    Dir 100

  4. Hi all,


    Do you know if it is possible to traverse back in a workflow using list filters? An example workflow of what I had in mind: 


    Example workflow: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19BDuKH_f14yvBFZld70FOMT7r9_XFY-3/view?usp=sharing


    Currently I am unable to link the junction output back to any object in the workflow.


    What I am trying to do is link the "back" outputs from "fork2" and "fork3" objects back to the "Arg and Vars" object input before "fork1".

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