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  1. I've updated the workflow. You need to have PHP installed to use it. For the rest it's the same. You can download the new version here: https://github.com/MGHollander/alfred-lipsum-workflow/releases/latest
  2. I've done some research and I think that I will continue using PHP for now. So if you have installed PHP, you will be able to use my version of the workflow. I do need to make some changes, though. I expect to update the workflow in the next 48 hours.
  3. Hi guys, I haven't updated to Monterey myself, yet. I will do so soon and I will look into the issue then as well. I'm not familiar with Python, so I don't know if that will be a short term option for my version of the workflow. I'll keep you posted.
  4. An Alfred 4 workflow for generating lorem ipsum dummy text using joshtronic/php-loremipsum. Installation Alfred Powerpack is required to use workflows. PHP is no longer supported out of the box since MacOS Monterey. Therefore you need to install PHP 7 or above, for example via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). Download the workflow Double click the .alfredworkflow file to install Usage Use the keyword lip to trigger the workflow. Select format you want to generate (characters, words, sentences, or paragraphs). (Optional) Add options to the format you would like to generate. Press enter to copy to clipboard and paste into the forefront application. Options There are multiple options to enhance the output. Option Usage Description length lip 5 Default: 1 Generates 5 instances of the format you have chosen tags lip 5 p Default: no tags Generates 5 instances of the format you have chosen and wraps each instance in a <p> tag. You can wrap an instance in multiple tags by comma separating the tags like lip 5 div,p. array lip 5 p true Default: false Generates 5 instances of the format you have chosen, wraps each instance in a <p> tag and outputs it as a PHP array with a value for each instance. You can set the tags to false or 0 if you do not want to wrap the output into tags. Credits Thanks to joshtronic/php-loremipsum Forked from alexchantastic/alfred-lipsum-workflow Source: https://github.com/MGHollander/alfred-lipsum-workflow
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