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    Freiburg im Breisgau

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hi, Alfred sync is the last function I use DropBox for. But DB has now limited the use to 3 computers only for the free account. I have 4 Macs and beta- and other testing partitions on some of them. Is it possible to make iCloud sync available for Alfred in the near future? iCloud sync works fine with other applications like Notebooks.app, NetNewsWire.app, Cardhop.app and more.
  2. Thanks! I repeated it 10 times and then 1Password was first again.
  3. Until recently when I typed "1" the first App. in the list was 1Password. Since some time - and I don't know why - iTunes is first in the list when I type "1". As I often type and hit return without looking iTunes is now somehow glued to the "1". Is there a preference-file where I can change that? Or: How do I train Alfred to put 1P back on No. 1 in the list? Thanks!
  4. Thanks - works perfect!
  5. What a little jewel! Thank you so much! Would it be possible to simplify german comma instead of dot/period?
  6. I think the download-link is missing...
  7. hi, I tried for more than an hour to find out where I can change the online service that is connected to the [translate " "]-command. Or is that hard-coced into Alfred? deepl.com has much better translation-algorithms than google-translate, at least for german, and I would prefer to use that service in the future. Can someone give me a hint? Thanks in advance!
  8. hi, hope I am right here with this, quick and direct: Migration Assistant (MA) could be improved: Why is the window modal (staying in the foreground/way even if not active)? Preparation: 1. There is space for a hint: ~/Application Support/Alfred 2/ 2. Or maybe the link to a workflow that integrates this (still incomplete) script: tell application "Finder" activate set target of Finder window 1 to folder "Applications" of startup disk -- not recorded: compress Alfred 2.app set target of Finder window 1 to folder "Library" of folder "NAME OF YOUR HOMEFOLDER" of folder "Users" of startup disk -- not recorded: compress folder "Application Support" end tell Sorry, don´t have much time... kind regards Thomas_U
  9. hi @2pilvic: A helpful person from Houdah suggested that the cause for the error might be that you use HoudahSpot 3. This workflow works only with HoudahSpot 4! I corrected the announcement and changed the script accordingly. Version 1.1 awaits revision by packal.org.
  10. sorry @2pilvic , I don´t understand. On my machine I do not get an error.
  11. March 2016: Uploaded my first workflow: HouhaSpot Search

  12. This workflow enables you to quickly pass on a search phrase from Alfred to HoudahSpot 4. View at packal.org or download instantly. NB: This workflow does not work with earlier versions of HoudahSpot.
  13. I submitted the workflow to packal and it´s available now: http://www.packal.org/workflow/search-houdahspot
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