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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hi is there anything that i missed such that the currency isnt working? [21:32:09.995] Logging Started... [21:32:12.256] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '' [21:32:12.296] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:32:12.298] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] {"items":[]} [21:32:12.461] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '0' [21:32:12.486] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:32:12.489] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] {"items":[]} [21:32:12.601] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '00' [21:32:12.631] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:32:12.633] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] {"items":[]} [21:32:13.472] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '00u' [21:32:13.505] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:32:13.508] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] {"items":[]} [21:32:13.585] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '00us' [21:32:13.610] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:32:13.616] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] {"items":[]} [21:32:13.861] Calculate Anything[Script Filter] Queuing argument '00usd'
  2. @prorock do check whether you are on the latest build of Alfred
  3. managed to get it to work I basically removed all php and reinstalled homebrew php and added "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" on every script filter. there's still some issues that i am unable to get it to work such as currency converter, the results just doesnt show when i type "100 usd to sgd". Great workflow nevertheless
  4. Thanks deanishe! I am currently storing the preferences locally. Re-installing doesn't seem help either (Tried previous versions as well). Thanks a lot anyways, appreciate it!
  5. Hey there I am new to this. When I type "ca" on Alfred it gives me "Unable to run task" with launch path not accessible. How do I go about it?
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