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Posts posted by magobaol

  1. I'm the author of the plugin.

    There's no thread on the forum.

    This is the Github page: https://github.com/magobaol/alfred-phil

    Dependencies and screenshots are in the README.

    This is my first attempt at creating a workflow for Alfred (well, it's my first attempt at many other things... 😆)

    The workflow uses the Node.js module "phil", also developed by me: https://github.com/magobaol/phil, but that's totally transparent to the user, as that module is packaged inside the workflow itself during the build process.
    The workflow itself check if Node.js is installed and, if not, it provides a message and opens the README page on Github.



  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm new to Alfred and I love it!

    I have a small php script that is in my home folder `~/dev/tag-buddy` and I want to call it from an Alfred workflow.


    Simple Script Filter configuration that works fine

    I've setup a script filter in bash language with this instruction `/usr/local/bin/php ~/dev/tag-buddy/src/search-tags.php "{query}"` and it works fine.

    Below you can see the configuration





    Trying to use a variable to handle the path to php script


    If I setup a worfklow variable to handle the php script path, like this:





    and then I modify the Script Filter Object like this:




    I get this error:



    So the variable substition has worked fine, since Alfred tries to open the file with the right path, but it doesn't work.


    However, if in the workflow variable I write the complete path, replacing the ~ with my actual home directory path, the workflow is fine.


    So it doesn't like when using the ~ in a workflow variable.

    Am I doing something wrong?







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