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Everything posted by halloleo

  1. Thanks @Vero! Much apericiaed! Also, is there a way to tell Alfred to appear in the menu bar? Leo
  2. The keyboard shortcut opt-cmd-C interferes with VS Code. I don't use Alfred's snippet thing, how can I switch the keyboard shortcut off? I didn't find a "Shortcuts" pane in the Preferences. Also, is there a way to tell Alfred to appear in the menu bar? Thanks for any pointers! PS: I'm using Alfred 4 with Powerpack if that makes any differences.
  3. Hi there I just upgraded a machine to Catalina and now I get suggestions like this: How can I avoid this? I really don't want to see what the system does under the hood. I want to select the _Numbers_ app from `/Applications`. Also, when I try to launch the _Messages_ app, I get: instead of `/Applications/Messages.app`. Same issue or different issue? Many thanks for any pointers!
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