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Posts posted by Kelson01

  1. I'm writing a macro to open a summary for my selected text and save it. I'm trying to use a snippet of the time for it to be named with but it's not working. Ignore the macro part of this post, simply typing any snippet into the save dialogue leaves blank space. I haven't even tried the macro yet, because text expanding isn't working. I've tried two different save menus. Triggering the snippet in the save as menu on duckduckgo images works just fine. What doesn't work is: (do this to reproduce) select text + right click > services > summarize + [shift + command + s] (to save as) -> That's the save menu that does not expand any snippet for me. It's not crucial that this work, it just would be nice to label these saves with the exact time. I'm sure there's other ways of doing this that I'll look into, but it's an issue that snippets don't work at all there. I don't know if it's an issue for Alfred or MacOS but I thought I'd bring it to the forum to get peoples attention.


    And no I don't have summary blacklisted for expansion. There's nothing that I can think of to cause this on my end.

  2. On 11/26/2017 at 3:59 PM, Andrew said:

    While I'm not completely closed to the idea of increasing potential capacity of the clipboard history (search performance implications aside), I'd like to understand when 3 months of text isn't enough.


    If you use an item from the clipboard history, it moves to the top of the list, effectively resetting the 3 month timer on that item. So really, the 3 month limit is "items in the clipboard history which I haven't used in the last 3 months".


    Anything you need longer than this would surely be better suited to a snippet? (It's extremely easy to convert a clipboard item to a snippet by using cmd+s on it in the clipboard history view).





    I was browsing the forum and found this old thread - It still applies today and I'm going to add to it.


    I like to search my clipboard history because I copy & paste a lot of things, I copy things I think I might need later (such as scripts I find or solutions for an issue) -> If I find the issue pressing I copy and paste into notes and search with a notes workflow (I think that should be added to Alfred officially by the way) but I don't always do that - It's easy to remember a part of something copied, if not exactly what it contains, enough to search for it. 


    I think it's more about having the option to go indefinitely that a lot of users might will appreciate. We all have different uses for Alfred. 


    If the concern is having such a large cache of copied clipboard items to the point that Alfred would have trouble, I understand. I think a good solution to this would be allowing you to have more control over what gets deleted after a specified time period.

    Something like:


    [Save Clipboard Contents Indefinitely]

    [Advanced Setting -> Remove Plain Text from clipboard history after 3 months if more than 2,000 characters]

    [Advanced Setting -> Remove Images from Clipboard After 3 months if larger than 2MB]

    And if that would cause slowdowns Alfred could check the age of clipboard items once per day or something


    This would help people manage their growing clipboard


    Of course you'd be able to remove clipboard items older than [x] "manually" even with keep contents indefinitely enabled.


    It's just a thought, I don't think it would hurt to add it

  3. I just purchased Keyboard Maestro and I'm looking to get ideas & inspiration for macros, anything that can be done with a macro. I want to work to be lazy! I already have the Keyboard Maestro workflow (https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/03/23/alfred-workflow-keyboard-maestro/) but I'm simply looking for inspiration for what macros to create based on apps I use. Does anyone have any?


    -> Does anyone have some examples for how people might integrate Alfred & Keyboard Maestro to build better workflows? I'm still new to Keyboard Maestro and there is a bit of a learning curve. I'm only scratching the surface for what I know can be done & what I'm doing now is already game-changing for me.


    The apps I use daily use are: Brave Browser, Spotify, Alfred, Hazel, Discord, Apple Notes, Microsoft To Do, Apple Calendar, Quicktime/IINA, CustomShortcuts, Karabiner Elements, EQMac, Todoist (sometimes), Streamdeck, Dropzone 4, Apple Motion, Moom/Magnet, CommandPost, Numbers, Pages, Bartender 4, Script Editor/Xcode, Stickies, Bear(a notes app), Apple Podcasts, Apple Music(The app not the service, why can't it still be called iTunes!!) Minecraft, Fantastical(learning) iStat Menus, USB Overdrive, Pixelmator Pro and Final Cut Pro. There's more but I'll stop there, can you tell I'm a power user? Yes, I use these apps every day!

  4. Yes I know this exists already in some form - BUT - Does a workflow like this exist that does this, except it uses your history to show what your browser would show you when you're making a search. Relevant search queries based on your search history & not the vanilla results someone that someone would get when they use the search engine for the first time.


    For those curious - Here's the DuckDuckGo workflow that gives vanilla search suggestions from Alfred.


  5. 25 minutes ago, vitor said:


    Unlikely. I also used it to test and all Chromium browsers have similar AppleScript.


    I wonder what different about your setup; you seem to still be the only one to experience that and this has more users now.


    I do have 400 or so tabs open... lol. If you want I can troubleshoot with you. I'm pretty sure that I'm doing everything right. Should I have you friend me on discord?

  6. On 12/25/2021 at 7:57 PM, vitor said:

    Update. It now also works on embedded YouTube players. Download the latest version.

    Ayy! This workflow finally got made! I'm downloading it right now and we'll see if it works with all of my browser tabs!*


    - To anyone reading this: for context it was my hundreds of youtube tabs that autoplayed that led to vitor creating this workflow...I eventually gave up and disabled autoplaying on YouTube, though I didn't want to.


    Vitor, perhaps it's a limitation of Brave Browser, but the script appears to be timing out. I only had one video playing when I tried this each time but I still have all of my tabs. I tried every variation of triggering this workflow with the keywords and it all ended up in the same result. It didn't work for me. Am I doing something wrong?


  7. Am I able to copy a workflow object along with its Action Modifier?


    - I'm making workflows for personal use to search a website, open a website, search website in new window, open website in new window all in the same keyword and occasionally I want to copy the action modifier and paste it on another one and I'm wondering if this is possible. It would save me time so that is why I ask. Thanks!



  8. I use a workflow that allows me to look at my recent screenshots. I want to be able to universally make it so when I hold down the option key I'm able to paste the image directly from Alfred. Ideally this would apply for all images across Alfred simply by holding down the modifier and hitting enter. I could also set up a file action but this would be slower and ideally I wouldn't have to do this. But if I end up needing to do this, do I have to make my own file action that will paste the image? I don't see an option to simply "Paste" from Alfred.

  9. Apologies, I did a quick search and couldn't find anything on this topic. Still, I am looking at the search link you've sent me and I don't see anything directly related to searching currently open finder tabs. The closest thing I see on that search is my own forum post asking about opening finder windows in tabs. And I use that script that you sent on there.


    I am talking about brining up Alfred and having it display my open finder windows that I can navigate to from within Alfred. It would display each tab/window/path I have open and would switch to it like command and ` would. I don't think that this is impossible, perhaps this is a misunderstanding?


    And you say its scripting API does not support tabs yet I use a script that opens finder paths in tabs, I think the script is something of a workaround so perhaps that's what you mean? Surely the computer reports which finder paths are currently open on the computer?

  10. Read the fine print below "the default application"


    - Drop an application in the box above to set the "Open with" application.




    I'd recommend you search for the app you want to use in Alfred & move your mouse over that result and drag it from Alfred to the GUI. That's the easiest way I know of setting that up.

  11. Okay I figured this out.


    Find workflow shortcut when triggering: Open the debugger and change it to show the information for all workflows and run your shortcut.



    Also in search: Click show hotkeys and use mac's built in emoji viewer (Control + Command + Space) to find the ⌘⇧⎋ shortcuts of your choice. They are located on one of the furthest right sections of the emoji viewer.




  12. Is there a way that I can search for a workflow based on a keyboard shortcut trigger it's using? I'm running into some conflicting shortcuts in some of the new workflows I downloaded and it would save me time to be able to do this. I suppose another way would be seeing what workflow I am triggering as I trigger it, am I able to do that? The first option would be convenient also.

  13. I am downloading workflows from old workflow collections and I'm sure that some of them are old versions. I already have the workflow that updates the old python workflows. I am sure that I am using very old versions of some of the workflows I have downloaded. Is there a workflow that checks these workflows to see if they are up to date? Some of the workflows I'm using are probably 10 years old. I'm using hundreds of workflows and it would be inconvenient to manually check.

  14. I have found an old workflow that sends tabs between Safari and Chrome and I am currently looking for a workflow that would be able to this with brave/chrome. And I am also looking for a workflow that can send tabs between brave browser profiles. Does anyone know of a workflow that does this?


    Chrome tabs to Safari Workflow: http://www.packal.org/workflow/banana-browser-tabs

  15. No, there's text in a document that I typed in the wrong location.


    In MacOS you can paste over text you have selected to replace it.


    What I want this to do: Have this become a workflow & have the trigger be a keyboard shortcut.

    (I'll use this keyboard shortcut when I have text selected)


    It would:

    1. Paste

    2. Copy the text I replaced by to the clipboard


    This is so I can move that text elsewhere. This would just streamline the slower, manual, process of copying the text I am to replace & paste it elsewhere.


    Here's the situation that gave me this idea:


    I'm making quizlets for myself to memorize the 400, 500, or however many final cut pro keyboard shortcuts there are, and while making these quizlets I'll often accidentally put the "TERM" in the "DEFINITION" field so I'll have to copy the term, paste it in the definition section, select the definition, cut it, paste it on term section to switch them. (Quizlet has a switch term & definition function, but I think it only does that for the entire set, not a singular term & definition)


    Having this workflow capability would streamline that process, and I could see myself using this elsewhere too. 

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