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oorbx last won the day on February 27 2023

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  1. Oh thanks for info i unregistered from beta, but i have to register again now 🙂 stucked on 13.3 beta 3 up to now
  2. Maybe my last question... Do you plan some extension of your plugin ? Something like argument for percentage resize, pixel resize, image flip or any other image operations ? There are a lot of plugins for that, but nothing is fully complex or updated Thanks
  3. deleted completely, installed new. output folder empty 🙂 strange
  4. https://pastebin.com/aLdWjWVj here it is Maybe its related to ventura 13.3 beta. I dont know.
  5. Hey luckman, updated version found the picture in clipboard correctly but after conversion just everytime creates only empty folder on desktop "saved_clips" without anything inside.
  6. Okay, for me i can see images, but nothing is saved. just create empty folder on desktop but any format i will use, keep empty. hmm
  7. Yeah, it doesnt matter, what i will mention to "is app running" task... app name, app full path, id, or only character "a", it finished with same : [22:50:23.489] ERROR: Launch file group from hotkey[Automation Task] Task Error: Inspection is enabled by default for process or parent application with deprecated 'com.apple.webinspector.allow' entitlement. Use `inspectable` API to enable inspection instead. But as Vitor said, beta are instable and we have to expect unexpected 🙂
  8. Hey there, sorry i dont know how to work and share pastebin. I paste there, but i dont know whats next. Thats why i paste to here: Last login: Sun Feb 26 09:11:38 on ttys000 xxx@MacBook-xPro ~ % cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases" xxx@MacBook-xPro Databases % ls -l clipboard.alfdb.data total 24 -rw-r--r--@ 1 xxx staff 335 26 feb 09:11 23cb2faaa08dc4b7aa34cbac2d28d4ba425b0709.plist -rw-r--r--@ 1 xxx staff 245 25 feb 21:47 2890925619460226d9da225abed2e2bae052c769.plist -rw-r--r--@ 1 xxx staff 244 25 feb 22:07 348bfa64dacc725130316704bc58ace684e4c291.plist xxx@MacBook-xPro Databases % sqlite3 -header clipboard.alfdb 'SELECT * FROM clipboard WHERE dataType == 1' xxx@MacBook-xPro Databases % [09:15:51.908] Logging Started... [09:16:18.154] ClipSaver[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [09:16:18.190] ClipSaver[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [09:16:18.196] ClipSaver[Script Filter] {"variables": {"uidSeed": "1677399378.185623"}, "skipknowledge": true, "items": [{"title": "No image clips found", "subtitle": "clipboard history may be empty", "icon": {"path": "error.png"}, "valid": false}]}
  9. very strange, i have same error anyhow i see in alfred snippet clipboard image as the latest one, this error message will occurs.
  10. Yeah, i understand. I like betas, because its not primary my working machine, just trial... But alfred automation start to be "my daily must have" with keystroke 🙂 Anyhow thanks for help. i will wait. What i know for sure that before update everything working 100% fine, and its related to 13.3 beta. Some other automation task, seems to be working as well... only "is app running" cannot be viewed by alfred somehow.
  11. Hey, thanks for reply. I tried it now. Outcome in script editor app is really "Script editor", but outcome in debugger in Alfred finished still with error message. __ I tried reinstall alfred as well, remove/add on settings - accesibility as well, but no any change. I think one of best automation task, which is include in alfred and my mistake with mac os beta 😕
  12. Yeah, probably they change something. But i worry, that nobody from apple can fix it, because i dont know how to formulate. I tried debugger with this result : 20:27:14.565] Launch file group from hotkey[Hotkey] Processing complete [20:27:14.577] Launch file group from hotkey[Hotkey] Passing output '' to Automation Task [20:27:14.578] Launch file group from hotkey[Automation Task] Running task 'Is App Running?' with arguments ( "" ) [20:27:14.650] ERROR: Launch file group from hotkey[Automation Task] Task Error: Inspection is enabled by default for process or parent application with deprecated 'com.apple.webinspector.allow' entitlement. Use `inspectable` API to enable inspection instead. When i try to add any app, or any path or anything, still the same error
  13. Hey Alfred team, Workflow automation task - "is app running" not working anymore in Ventura 13.3 beta. I tried many apps as notes or safari, not working. (I tried to use identifier ID, or full path - ventura has changed safari path) but not succeed. Probably bug. 😕
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