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Posts posted by gaoruijie

  1. Hello gaoruijie. I made a workflow called “iMessage to Friend”, which allows you to directly write and send a message to a friend from within Alfred. Just hit Alfred’s hotkey, enter your friends (nick)name, write a message, hit enter and you’re done. Maybe that's what you're looking for. :) I posted about it over here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3220-imessage-to-friend/


    I have founded your workflow, it is so great!

  2. Great workflow, thanks, Vero


    On 10/10/2013 at 11:23 AM, Vero said:

    It is significantly more efficient to use a workflow to search email than to add it to default results. If your email influx is anything like mine, I wouldn't recommend adding these thousands of emails adding noise to default results!


    I've created a workflow for searching Mail.app emails, which you can grab here:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h3djhw2thf8xjp/Mail.app Search 3.0.alfredworkflow?dl=0


    In short, this workflow uses three keywords:


    • emfrom to search the sender's name and email addressem for a general subject + content search
    • emsubj to search specifically for a subject line

    So you'd type "emfrom Ryan" to look for an email where the sender's name or email address contains "Ryan". :)


    Great Workflow, thanks, Vero

  3. Backups stored forever.

    If you mean query history its stored for 5 minutes and can stay for 20 searches if you use the up arrow. Then, It refreshes to the latest searches




    I have still used alfred 2 today, but the latest modified time of my preference file is not updated (still at 21:41, yesterday)




  4. Dear alfred team,


    I want to know, how long my preference will be backup in the APP? It seems that there is no option to choose the time, like one day or one week.


    Another questions, Does my history in Alfred will be saved in my alfred preferences?


    thanks for your help


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