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Everything posted by Fever

  1. Thanks, great idea! I updated the workflow.
  2. There are many different YouTube URL formats and they often include information about playlists, referrers, etc. A few examples: http://www.youtube.com/embed/T6DJcgm3wNY?rel=0 http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=T6DJcgm3wNY&feature=player_embedded&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DT6DJcgm3wNY%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded However, when I want to share a YouTube URL with someone I only want the basic URL that points directly to the video. In this case: Here's a workflow that takes any* YouTube URL and copies the basic URL to the clipboard. Download: basic-youtube-url.alfredworkflow * It might not cover every possible URL format, but so far I haven’t come across one that doesn’t work.
  3. The command run by the workflow is: open -n /Applications/VLC.app/ If that also doesn't work when you run that from the Terminal, VLC might be located elsewhere, or it has something to do with the VLC app itself.
  4. Not sure if this has already been done, but here's a simple workflow allowing you to open multiple VLC windows. Download: vlc-new-window.alfredworkflow
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