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Posts posted by edwardro

  1. Perfect _mk_,


    this will allow me to keep using Alfred....I was already thinking of coming back to launchbar as I depend a lot on omnifocus searches....I have a LOT OF folders.


    The neat thing about the the launchbar scripts I have is that they allow you to search by folders and by projects.  You can enter any part of the name of the folder or project and then gives you a list of candidates for those names.  You hit enter and it gives you an omnifocus window with the project or folder being focused.  Very neat.


    Thanks again _mk_ for considering this on your new release....already looking forward to it as I am liking the Alfred App a lot.

  2. Hi _mk_, to be honest, your workflow was the main reason I switched to alfred from launchbar.


    I installed your workflow and notice something I was able to do in launchbar with some scripts that I thought I may be able to do with your workflow and I am wondering if indeed I can. 


    Find a project, then click enter and the project would open in omnifocus (focused).


    I see that you workflow allows that on the tasks but not on the projects.


    The other thing is finding folders and showing them directly on omnifocus (focused).


    Since I am new with alfred and your workflow, could I accomplish these with your workflow right now?  If not, do you know of any other workflow that allow you to find projects and folders and displaying them on omnifocus?



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