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ubersol's Achievements

Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Created the following workflow by using apg and /dev/random file system to come up for creating passwords in a single workflow. The first one uses apg and requires for you to install it if you don't have it. The second method uses /dev/random files system which is already in many *nix like systems and ready to be utilized. Following are the screenshots for two keywords ( random, apg ) Workflow: apg usage: Result ( which is copied to your clipboard ): /dev/random usage: Result ( copied to your clipboard ) You can download the workflow here, and learn about the technical details in my website!. Enjoy!
  2. I have created the following simple workflow that changes a give IP address from: to 10.168.192.in-addr.arpa Usage: reverse... Screenshots: Download
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