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Posts posted by garblewarble

  1. Thanks for the explanation, thought it might have something to do with the OS. Weird how OS X allows slashes in file names then, unlike colons.

    (In case you’re wondering why I was using slashes in the first place, I was saving webpages into folders like “alfredforum.com” (maybe also something I shouldn’t do?) and I’d then press return and copy the url of the folder if I wanted to visit that website. OS X would only automatically select e.g. “alfredforum” though, and I noticed that putting a slash at the end would cause the complete “alfredforum.com/” to be selected. But yeah, it always felt a bit hacky.)
  2. You can actually setup a modifier key to 'Action all visible results' in Alfred's Advanced prefs… e.g. set ctrl+return to do this  :)

    Thank you for the reply!
    »Action all visible results« only processes the 9 visible items. Is there a way to process all results regardless of visibility?
    Also, using »Action all visible results», Alfred opens the files differently than the Finder: one after the other instead of as a whole, it seems. For example, using Preview, images each open in a new window instead of in one window as part of a collection.
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