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    Bremen, Germany

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  1. Thank you @vitor! I'll try doing that, I'm quite new to everything related to programming including GitHub, just created it to share the workflow. I'll research a bit more and sure I'll post the scripts in there as well. Ah, I did that cuz I couldn't drop it as an .alfredworkflow file. I see now, thank you
  2. Hi all, so I installed Alfred a few days ago and I've been exploring it a bit. I couldn't find any tidal workflows that worked well so I went ahead and tried doing one by myself. I am sure it has a lot of issues, like duplicating the scripts, I didn't know how to put it cuz it didn't work with "or". Never seen applescripts in my life before this morning. Nevertheless, it works fine (I think). Maybe some of you can try it out and help me add more stuff to it? Thanks a bunch You can find it here: http://github.com/sebastianpalaciosm/tidalcontroller/
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