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Posts posted by aberlee

  1. Hi! 


    I have a workflow which uses a Script Filter that uses python 


    It imports Tasklib module to access a program called Taskwarrior


    I've added


    from workflow import Workflow
    import sys
    def main(wf):
        import tasklib  # Imported from ./lib
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        wf = Workflow(libraries=['./lib'])
    from lib import tasklib

    I've installed using pip3 in the ./lib folder. 


    I've tried adding: 

        from functools import lru_cache
    except ImportError:
        from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache

    Nothing changed. I tried adding the above to the backends.py in the tasklib module where it imports lru_cache from functools.


    Then a whole lot of other errors pop up. 


    I'm thinking it's a python 2.7 vs. python 3 issue? Anyone else have any idea / suggestions what I can do? 


    Thanks in advance!



  2. Search Legal Intelligence directly from your Alfred App. It will display the 10 most relevant results. Clicking a result will open the Legal Intelligence link to the document. If your desired result isn't there, at the bottom there is also a 'view all results', which directs you to your search query on Legal Intelligence. You need not be logged into Legal Intelligence, however you do need a token, which expires every day. I am working on a way to generate this every day.


    Download the workflow from GitHub  or Packal

    You require a Legal Intelligence account, client-secret, and authorisation token.
    It also requires an Alfred Powerpack license.


    Getting a client-secret

    Log into your Legal Intelligence account. Then simply click this link and generate a client secret. Copy this somewhere as you'll need it for your authorisation token, and it is not displayed in your account.

    Insert your client-secret and client-ID in workflow

    Open the imported workflow in Alfred. Open the Environmental Variables (Thanks to @vitor for the suggestion!) and insert your ClientID (for me it was my university email address) and your ClientSecret that you generated earlier.

    Save and that ought to do it!


    The workflow requires the Python requests module and xml2dict which are bundled in the released workflow so no need to install it separately. 





    NEW FEATURES in v.1.3.1 :

    • type 'wet [query]' it searches the database of wetten.overheid.nl for any law that matches the title. You can also use abbreviations such as 'bw1' or 'aw' for Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 1 and Auteurswet respectively. You will be redirected to the specific law and today as validation date.
    • type 'hr' without any other text and you should get the latest 7 days worth of Hoge Raad cases.
    • type 'phr' without any other text and you should get the latest 7 days worth of AG Opinions.


    • There was a bug where if the result had " (double quotes) in it, Alfred would end the workflow. This is now fixed. Same with new line. This is also escaped now.lawfred1-3.gif


    # TODO

    • Fix bug that less than 10 results won't be displayed. (has to do with the use of count function)
    • Include a delay, so that api is not called for each letter that is typed
    • Find a way that login is not required in browser for it to work
    • Find a way to automatically generate authorisation token
    • Insert a link to all the search results in Legal Intelligence itself
    • Searching latest issue of a journal now requires the correct use of capitals for the abbreviation. I want to make it irrelevant whether the user types in the correct capitalisation in the abbreviation.


  3. I would be very interested to see how this would work. I've installed a plugin that should redirect mailto: links to gmail, (in safari, my browser) but I have no clue how to create an applescript to add to the ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Plugins/Email/

     folder.... any help would be much appreciated
  4. I made a workflow that makes use of todoist's email task function : 

    I've just copied mine, which has another function as well; because sometimes I just want to add an open tab in Safari URL to Todoist. You can simply delete that part if you don't like it. I've used two different Icons, so I know what's what, again you can change that if you want.


    Make sure to alter the part where it says : "INSERT TODOIST EMAIL HERE" | in both scripts


    It has two functions 

    (1) open up alfred and type : td your query becomes your task. You can add a @tag but that's about it. It will use Mail, to send an email. 

    (2) open up alfred and type : td link and then whatever is your active URL in Safari will be a link saved, add a query text, that will be the task name. It will be clickable like any other link in Todoist. 


    You can download the workflow here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lohtlm56wcmtvsa/Email%20to%20Todoist%20with%20Alfred.alfredworkflow?dl=0 


    Hope that helps!

  5. Hi all, 


    IDEA: open up Alfred, type in RTM hit tab and write down what you want to add to your to-do list in Remember the Milk. Hit enter and Alfred makes sure you get things done :) 
    I made a workflow for just that. 


    HOW: Alfred's query becomes the subject for an email send by Sparrow (see below, you can use it with Mail as well), which is sent to your personal Remember the Milk account. 




    Alterations to make it work with Mail (Standard in the workflow shared is Sparrow)

    1. open up the workflow

    2. open up the script

    3. Change Sparrow to Mail

    4. Change sendmessage to send

    5. Save!


    That's it. 


    Note that this is written for Remember the Milk, but really you can change it for, for example Producteev as well. All that this requires is that you make sure that the app and main email address that is sending the email is recognised as an email address in you Producteev list. 


    I am sure, there are more productivity apps that make use of sending emails to add tasks, this might help you do it with nothing more than Alfred!


    Best of luck, 




    p.s. you can find the workflow on: www.AlfredWorkflow.com



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