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  1. Thanks Andrew I activated it, though I see that the person remains under their alphabetical order when I insert their Prefix title. I had hoped to leave the Pr Contacts under P but will need to leave them under their first name as I would prioritise search by Alfred over sort order in Contacts. Thanks and if you can reply to my email sent to info@alfredapp.com that would be great. Cheers
  2. Andrew hinted an issue when he said 'is there anything special or different about the contacts which don't show up'. In my case there is, I had two words in the First Name field in contacts. I learnt that Alfred currently only looks at the first word in the First Name field so it will not find a contact if you search by the second or subsequent word in the First Name field. Eg Pr John (in First Name field) Search 'Pr' will bring all contacts having Pr in the first word of a field name But search 'Pr John' will NOT show up this result you want. Searching 'John' will also not show up Pr John in search field as it is the second word in the field. It is interesting that this is not the result when you search by title- ie it looks for all words in a title search eg for a document. eg: Tax Expenses. If you type the word Expenses, Alfred will find that... but not so when someone has two words in their First Name title. Andrew- will Alfred be able to search by any word in the First Name field in future? Thank you
  3. Thanks Andrew, I have re-ticked the 'Dont Show'. By the way, what other things should I recheck that is under OS Xs' APIs? Contacts do show up in Alfred - always has. And I have confirmed OS X Security & Privacy and Alfred is checked in the Contact Preferences. So thats the reason for the post. A select number won't show up. The contacts do appear across all my devices so they have loaded fine. Andrew, I can do a screen snapshot to show how a contact shows in Spotlight, Contacts, but not Alfred if you like. Just need to point me on how to load via this forum. So next steps?
  4. v2.0.6 (203) For some reason Alfred will not display particular contacts, but yet Spotlight presents all. Most show up in Alfred. I would post screenshots if I knew how. Alfred finds everything else I search for. Naturally I have File Search unchecked for 'Don't Show' against Contacts. Any suggestions what I need to do? Is the only thing I can do to rebuild the index using terminal: *sudo rm -R /.Spotlight-V100* *sudo mdutil -i on /* *sudo mduitl -E /* Please advise
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