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Everything posted by jore

  1. That's awesome, now it works! Appreciated vitor 🙏
  2. That looks great, I didn't knew the new stuff in Alfred 5! It works great, but I'm lacking one thing from the AppleScript: not being able to change the Output format cause the Automation is limited to 4 options: - Title - URL - Title 'TAB' URL - URL 'TAB' Title In the AppleScript I can use whatever I want… I have been using Title: URL or using the Markdown syntax [Title](URL) Maybe using some of the Utilities (I tried the Join Args), but I'm not being able to do it neither.
  3. Hi everyone! Yesterday I made this workflow looking forward to mimic the TabCopy (http://tabcopy.com) extension from Chrome in Safari using Alfred; the workflow puts the link from Safari's active tab in the clipboard and pastes at cursor as text, and it works great! The thing is I cannot figure out how to copy all the tabs at the same time. I would think that maybe using some recursive/iterative magic could do the job or maybe there is a function that does this easier/faster. Here is the working workflow to copy 1 active tab: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Safari" set theName to name of front document set theUrl to URL of front document return theName & ": " & theUrl end tell end alfred_script And I also attached a screenshot of the workflow objects. Thanks in advance!
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