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Everything posted by Willian

  1. Sorry for not clearing my situation. I have to use Optimized Storage due to the fact that I use multiple macs (5+) syncing with the same iCloud account, however about half of them aren't equipped with enough storage to store the entire iCloud library.
  2. I have not carefully spec into this but a quick search lead me to this: https://eclecticlight.co/cirrus-bailiff/ They somehow managed to DL files on iCloud . (not sure if they used private API) I do think you could eventually achieve this on iCloud as I say there are many app does this, E.g. Obsidian file management, NSSurge configuration sync (similar situation to Alfred), even if they once could not. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I've been encountering this all the time. It had been really counter-productive. I see other Apps in similar situation solves this by adding a check and download before actually launching Application itself, would that be possible with Alfred?
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