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Everything posted by tomvo

  1. Sometimes I have a file that I know some key content words of, but those might also appear in filetypes that are not relevant at the moment, so I would like to be able to provide the search as much content as I know in order to get the right file
  2. @vitor thanks for the tips, I ended up with this https://github.com/tomvanoppens/alfredflows/blob/main/Paste to active dir.alfredworkflow
  3. This is the flow I end up with, any suggestions to figure out what's on the clipboard, to make the handling different for text or images ?
  4. so the splitter splits in variables but I'm not so sure what I need to put in the file filter for it to trigger the search, it seems to come up with nothing
  5. well I was hoping to based on the contenttype of the clipboard dynamically maybe trigger a script like this Ideally there is a way to have the variables come from alfred folder=$(pwd) filename="Screen Shot $(date +%Y-%m-%d\ at\ %H.%M.%S).png" if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then if [[ -d $1 ]]; then if [ "$1" != "." ]; then folder=$1; fi else a=$(dirname "$1") b=$(basename "$1" .png) if [ "$b" != "" ]; then filename=$b.png; fi if [ "$a" != "." ]; then folder=$a; fi fi fi osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to ¬ write (the clipboard as «class PNGf») to ¬ (make new file at folder \"$folder\" ¬ with properties {name:\"$filename\"})"
  6. I would like to , if I do a paste action in finder and the clipboard contains an image past it as a new image file (or if text as a txt file) directly in the directory
  7. I want to create a workflow where there are 3 search parameter inputs. 1 is a word that's present in the file 2 or 3 (optional) a word in the filename 2 or 3 (if starting with a .) (optional) the filetype so to distinguish between 2 and 3 , the leading . should be used all parameters are space separated this is what I made so far, but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track
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