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Posts posted by dnnsmnstrr

  1. @vitor Great! I actually didn't know the filtering works that way, so I agree that it makes sense to add spaces in the titles. The CSV you mentioned is based on a list of actions from the BTT forum, that I adapted and apparently made some mistakes with, which should now be fixed: https://github.com/dnnsmnstrr/alfred-btt/releases/tag/1.0.2


    Another issue might be that some of the actions don't really work without additional parameters, but that could be added in the future after some reverse engineering / asking for more documentation. 

  2. @cartern I have some named triggers with emoji in them that do get output, so I think Unicode shouldn't be the problem. Could you give me an example of the text you used?


    When I create a named trigger with a random Chinese character, it does show up in Alfred, so I'm not sure what is going on, but the filtering is handled by Alfred, so if the data is passed correctly from the script filter, I don't think there's much I can do. 



  3. @vitor Thanks!


    The hardcoded ID is how the search for named triggers works, see here: https://community.folivora.ai/t/get-a-list-of-available-named-triggers/30390/3?u=dnnsmnstrr


    I was able to reproduce the error you got by changing the name of the function called in BetterTouchTool, which leads me to believe that your version of BTT is not fully up to date. Could you check what version of BetterTouchTool you are using? If it is not the most recent, the get_triggers function might not yet be supported. In that case, I guess it might be acceptable if only the predefined actions work and the script filter returns an empty array, so I added a try/catch to the script filter, in hopes that will avoid the script from crashing.

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