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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. After a lot of research i have found a way with the following workflow: 1 | Create Trigger > Hotkey ( cmd + f for example ) then 2 | Create Action > Run NSAppleScript and write: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Finder" activate end tell end alfred_script 3 | Link both of them And that´s it! No Finder new window, just the Finder activation!
  2. Hello David, thanks very much for your reply. This script is to create a new window right? I don´t want that.. I want the HotKey to display an already openedFinder window. Just want to switch between apps like I´m doing with all the others quite well.
  3. Hello, I have a workflow for all my favourite apps. For example, if i want to display Photoshop ( already opened ) in front of all my apps I have created a trigger cmd+ P and it works perfectly. But I can´t do that because Finder is not a standard app like the others... How can I create an hotkey for example cmd+d to display the Finder window in front of the other apps? Thanks for your time. Best regards.
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