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  1. I want to make a simple script filter that is triggered on my keyword "vs" and searches a specific folder ONLY and also EXCLUDES folders that match a certain path. - It should ONLY search in "/Developer/Repositories/" - It should only show folders in results, not files - It should exclude any or folders that have "node_modules" in the path - The result I select should be opened in "Visual Studio Code.app" For example, if I type "vs project", it should find "/Developer/Repositories/project" but exclude "/Developer/Repositories/other/node_modules/project" I was able to get all of this except the exclusion rule working by using a file filter with the keyword "vs" and even open in "Visual Studio Code.app". I cannot figure out how to exclude files with "node_modules" in their path Here's what I have so far Here is the script which I found on GitHub (https://github.com/alexchantastic/alfred-open-with-vscode-workflow/tree/master) It opens the result in "Visual Studio Code.app" on run set theQuery to "{query}" set finderSelection to "" set theTarget to "" set defaultTarget to (path to home folder as alias) -- comment line above and uncomment line below to open desktop instead of user home when there's no selection or open folder in the Finder: -- set defaultTarget to (path to desktop folder as alias) if theQuery is "p" then tell application "Finder" set finderSelection to (get selection) if length of finderSelection is greater than 0 then set theTarget to finderSelection else try set theTarget to (folder of the front window as alias) on error set theTarget to defaultTarget end try end if tell application "Visual Studio Code" open theTarget as alias end tell end tell else try set targets to {} set oldDelimiters to text item delimiters set text item delimiters to tab set qArray to every text item of theQuery set text item delimiters to oldDelimiters repeat with atarget in qArray if atarget starts with "~" then set userHome to POSIX path of (path to home folder) if userHome ends with "/" then set userHome to characters 1 thru -2 of userHome as string end if try set atarget to userHome & characters 2 thru -1 of atarget as string on error set atarget to userHome end try end if set targetAlias to ((POSIX file atarget) as alias) set targets to targets & targetAlias end repeat set theTarget to targets tell application "Visual Studio Code" open theTarget end tell on error return (atarget as string) & " is not a valid file or folder path." end try end if return theQuery end run
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