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Skip R.

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  1. Sorry, it does work as expected on Alfred 5. I apologize for not testing this on the latest version, which in hindsight was probably obvious to do. I think this was because I was subconsciously expecting Alfred 4 to get some maintenance updates and bug fixes (although I don't know if that's the case), and I do consider this to be a pretty big bug. I'll upgrade my license to Alfred 5 soon since this bugfix alone is a massive improvement to my workflow. Thanks, and sorry for polluting the forums!
  2. Alfred version & build number: Alfred 4.8 [1312] macOS version: 13.5 (22G74) Howdy, For a while I've noticed that Alfred struggles to handle files that are stored in iCloud Drive, but locally not present on disk. To Alfred, they appear as ".filename.icloud" because that is how they are literally stored on the filesystem. Finder displays and handles these files specially, and takes care of uploading and downloading in a manner that is transparent to the user. Specifically, in Alfred, when searching for a file that is not present locally, attempting to open it shows a dialog from Finder that no application is designated to handle these files. The download begins in the background when Alfred tells Finder to open the file and the error dialog appears, but I need to search for the file once again to open it and gain access to the file's actual contents assuming the download has completed by then. I am filing this as a bug because I think that the ordinary user would expect Alfred to handle these files in a transparent manner similar to Finder. Luckily, there are APIs available to handle these specific kinds of files, and I have even provided a code sample and outlined (what I assume could be) the necessary steps needed for Alfred to implement this support, alongside other useful tidbits with regards to iCloud Drive support. Please see this post: Extra steps might be necessary in order to make the experience as seamless as possible. For example: recognizing files that are not on disk ("evicted", as Apple calls them), presenting them differently in the results UI, and perhaps even showing download progress and potential failures. But I would be pretty happy if Alfred could just kick off the download in the background and open the file once the download succeeds, because having to search for the file again after seeing an error message, and having to do that for every file that doesn't happen to be on my Mac, is a little off-putting. I am not sure if this is implemented in Alfred 5 and I am simply missing something, but I am willing to upgrade if this behavior is implemented exclusively on that version. Thanks.
  3. Hi, everyone. This issue has been bugging for a while because I make heavy use of iCloud Drive and find it to be incredibly useful. So, I'd like it to cooperate better with Alfred. I've discovered that interacting with files that are offloaded to iCloud (also called "ubiquitous items") is possible with the (NS)FileManager API. What is probably initially most useful is the "isUbiquitousItem" method, which can be used to conditionalize the code path that handles files offloaded to iCloud by checking whether a file can potentially be evicted from the filesystem. From there, you can kick off a file download with the "startDownloadingUbiquitousItem" method. To check whether the download is complete, you can observe the "NSMetadataQueryDidUpdate" notification via NotificationCenter in conjunction with the usage of an NSMetadataQuery in order to track the availability of the file. The "resourceValues" method on the URL class lets you pass "ubiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey" as a desired key, which lets you check the downloading status of a file ("current" (present on disk, up to date), "downloaded" (present on disk, but stale), and "notDownloaded"). There are other keys such as "ubiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey", which grants you access to the error object if the download fails. Alfred could potentially check this key (and others) to present helpful (error) messages to the user when trying to open a file that needs to be downloaded, such as a lack of internet connection or disk space. Here is a code sample, in Swift, demonstrating the above (tested in Xcode Version 15.0 beta 2 (15A5161b) with macOS 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)): let manager = FileManager.default let path = "/Users/slice/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Downloads/music 2/.just for me alac.m4a.icloud" let url = URL(filePath: path) // In this case, `true`. manager.isUbiquitousItem(at: url) let query = NSMetadataQuery() // In a real application, this should probably be a more resilient query. Unfortunately, we are unable // to use fully-qualified paths (NSMetadataItemPathKey) with this API for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ query.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", NSMetadataItemFSNameKey, "just for me alac.m4a") NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSMetadataQueryDidUpdate, object: query, queue: nil) { notification in guard let result = query.results.first as? NSMetadataItem else { return } let path = result.value(forAttribute: NSMetadataItemPathKey) as! String print("Ubiquitous file downloaded: \(path)") let resourceValues = try! URL(filePath: path).resourceValues(forKeys: [.ubiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey]) let status = resourceValues.ubiquitousItemDownloadingStatus! print("Status: \(status)") guard status == .current else { return } print("Attempting to open.") NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(filePath: path)) // Opening the file triggers another metadata query update (likely increasing the amount of times // opened). Stop the query to prevent an infinite loop. query.stop() } query.start() try! manager.startDownloadingUbiquitousItem(at: url) In my case, I am hardcoding the path to the ubiquitous file (with extension ".icloud"). The "isUbiquitousItem" method returns "true" for these paths. Before kicking off the download (which takes place in the background, asynchronously), I register an observer and NSMetadataQuery to track the download status of the file. This is a bit tricky because Spotlight's APIs do not let you form a query over a specific path for some reason, so I have just hardcoded the name of the file. I hope that Alfred has its own ways of coping with this limitation that can hopefully be put to use here. I would love to see this integrated into Alfred. It's much, much faster than Apple's vanilla Spotlight UI for me when it comes to searching files, and I use iCloud Drive a ton! P.S. You can interact with ubiquitous items from the command line via the "brctl" tool. See "man 1 brctl". You can run "brctl download <path>" and "brctl evict <path>" to download a local copy and remove local copies, respectively. There are also other commands related to monitoring, versioning, and logging. But, if you just want to download or evict a file with Finder, you can do that with the "Download Now" and "Remove Download" menu items that are available on ubiquitous files. cc @Andrew
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