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Everything posted by phase44

  1. Hi, thanks for your help. I have got it working now. Following the instructions I deleted the Spotlight file, .Spotlight-V100 and restarted my Mac and done! Thank you very much !!!
  2. Hi, I hope someone can help me. I have installed Alfred 5 on a new Macbook Pro. I have a problem that whenever I use Alfred to search for a file or folder, it can't find anything. There are no reach results. I have made sure that Alfred has all permissions set, full disk access etc and have also made sure that the Mac and all folders are added to the search locations list. It works fine on my other Mac but not on my new one. Any ideas on what to try? Thanks, Dino
  3. I resolved the issue 🙂 I had to first download and install the Homebrew kit from https://brew.sh/ Once installed this allowed me to resolve dependencies from the Alfred gallery. Thanks to everyone for their help.
  4. I ran the workflow and then Alfred's search window won't open again unless I deactivate the workflow.
  5. Hi thanks for your response. I'm using Alfred 5.1.2. macOS Ventura 13.5.2 I downloaded most apps from the Alfred Gallery and no, I wasn't prompted to download any dependencies. For example, I downloaded Calculate Anything - v4.0.2 from the Alfred Gallery and when I run it, it gives me the error message. I also downloaded thesaurus.com - v1.0.0 (I think this was from Github though). It open but when I search for a word, nothing happens.
  6. Hi, Whenever try to run a workflow, I get an error message. Unable to run task! Reason: launch path not accessible usr/bin/php Check that the selected language exists on your system. If you're syncing Alfred's preferences, also check that all related workflow files exist locally. Related Workflow Info... Name: 'Calculate Anything' Folder:/Users/macbook/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Alfred Preferences/ Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.7736F7DD-9B21-4C54- AF71-A872A8F83967 I get a similar message for most workflows I try to run. I have the preferences folder set to DropBox and it is set the work offline. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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