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Shahar Kedar

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  1. Hi, I had a working workflow (a quite complicated one) that just stopped working after I upgraded my MacOS to 14.1.1 (from 14.1.0). After debugging the workflow I was able to identify the source of the problem in the Arg and Vars step that was between a Keyword Input step and a List Filter step. The symptom is that once I move from the input step to the list, the Alfred bar just closes. When I remove the Arg and Vars step from the workflow, I can see the list as expected. I've attached a very simple workflow that replicates the issue. On my mac, when I use the "mygood" keyword I see the list, but when using the "mybad" keyword - the list is not presented. Alfred version: 4.8 [1312] MacOS version: 14.1.1 Thanks, Shahar
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