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  1. I run the :sequentialpasteresetcount command by simply launching the Alfred launcher, pasting :sequentialpasteresetcount into it, and then pressing Enter. That's the only step involved in my process.
  2. Thank you for your response. That is exactly what I was looking for. However, I'm encountering a specific issue with it on macOS Ventura 13.6.3, where I primarily use zsh as my shell. I was expecting that executing :sequentialpasteresetcount would allow me to revert to the most recent copy in my clipboard history, but unfortunately, it didn't work as expected. To provide a bit more detail, when I run the :sequentialpasteresetcount command, I anticipate that the clipboard will reset to the latest entry, but this doesn't seem to happen. I'm not sure if I'm missing a step or if there's a compatibility issue with my current setup. Any insights or suggestions to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello As a user of the Alfred app, I would like to request the introduction of a feature similar to the "Paste Stack" found in the Paste app. This feature allows for temporary storage and easy access to multiple clipboard items. I believe that adding this feature would greatly enhance clipboard management efficiency and improve productivity in our workflows. Thank you for considering this request.
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