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Gold last won the day on April 13

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  1. Got it. It's no real problem to me as long as it's expected behavior. I appreciate the attention to the matter.
  2. Thanks @Vero, but I've been doing exactly that; starting fresh for each ChatGPT session. Unfortunately, I still find Alfred's API costs far more expensive than the previous app I've been using for over a year: MacGPT. My inputs have been short, and while MacGPT gives significantly longer responses, Alfred’s are always brief. Alfred's ChatGPT still cost significantly more and I'm trying to figure out why. I use the same GPT-4 Turbo model on both.
  3. Thanks @Vero. Yes, I'm aware of their pricing page and token costs. I'm just still a bit confused as to why it's costing significantly more to use ChatGPT through Alfred compared to other apps. The model I'm using on Alfred is GPT-4 Turbo (preview).
  4. Thanks for your insight @iandol. Those are both sensible approaches but not interested in local LLMs at this time. But it hadn't occurred to me to 'prune' with new chats; as I usually just allow the chat logs to accumulate. It's possible that the extended chat logs have been a factor in the increased API costs. I'll experiment with this method for a few weeks and observe if it aids in reducing expenses.
  5. Latest version of macOS 14.4.1 and Alfred 5 / 2257. Preferences were stored on cloud, but it learned after reading your shared thread that having preferences on cloud would make the functions I need incompatible. It's fixed and working again after moving my pref file back to a local folder. Many thanks @Stephen_C!
  6. I'm really enjoying this ChatGPT workflow so far. However, I'm curious if anyone else is concerned about the cost of usage? I've noticed that my prompt queries in Alfred's ChatGPT workflow are costing me 3x to 5x times higher than what I experienced with my former ChatGPT app(s).
  7. Hello, I'm having trouble deleting both snippets and collections in Alfred's snippet feature. Despite confirming deletion, it remains. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  8. Super amazing workflow and thank you for this video!
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