I sometimes use the "keyword" like this:
listfiler -> keyword -> do task1 with the query passed from keyword
-> keyword -> do task2 with the query passed from keyword
-> keyword -> do task3 with the query passed from keyword
now once the workflow reaches the keyword part, it stops prompting for the query.
For example, this is the debug log for one of my workflow:
[13:03:48.913] pytools[Conditional] Passing output 'sentry' to Arg and Vars
[13:03:48.914] pytools[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
[13:03:48.915] pytools[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Keyword
what's expected is that alfred UI / box should appear and accept the query, and continue passing that to the rest of the workflow. But now nothing shows up.
Pretty sure this was working before I updated to 5.5 beta.
Could you help take a look or suggest other workarounds? Or let me know if anything needs clarification.
Thanks. -Jason