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  1. Yes.Thank you - I meant to say a 'hotkey workflow'. I have them setup using the Option Key. Option does work correctly in combination with the space bar. Command also works, as does control. It is just the Option key - and only on the iMac. I can't figure that out, but later when I get home, I will try to see if there are any system wide hotkey shortcuts that are setup in the system preferences under Keyboard. The Macbook Pro runs just as expected. My hunch is that there is a system wide setting, It just was not set on the Macbook.
  2. Hi, I have a Macbook Pro and an iMac. Both are synced by using Dropbox, so any chane to the settings are reflected on both machines. I have set up the option key to be the modifier and I have set it to the following: <option> G - launch Gmail <option> C - launch Google Calendar etc... The problem is that the option key works as a modifier on the Macbook Pro - BUT not on the iMac. When I use the hotkey on iMac, it highlights a file on the desktop with the corresponding letter. So, if I press <option> G, a file on the desktop that begins with a "G" is selected. What is causing this and how can I fix it? I really don't want to change modifiers - I like the optionKey. Funny thing - The hotkey to launch Alfred is <option> SPACE. That works on BOTH machines. Not sure why the other letters are not working. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks! -Steve
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