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Posts posted by raguay.customct

  1. Have you considered using the 'sips' command line tool bundled with OS X? It can:

    • Convert jpeg, tiff, png, gif, jp2, pict, bmp, qtif, psd, sgi, and tga to/from each other
    • Constrain size (reduce width and/or height while maintaining aspect ratio)
    • Flip
    • Rotate
    • Crop
    • Pad (with or without a specified color)

    Since the workflow does not really need all the power of ImageMagick, it might be better to use a tool included with OS X. It would reduce the weight tremendously. ;)


    Cheers :)



    Well, I never heard of sips. It does look like a nice tool, but I can not find anything in the documentation on removing alpha channels or changing the image to a small palette of colors. I originally made it with ImageMagick because I am used to using that tool (I come from Windows/Linux. I have only had a Mac for 8 months.). I wrote this workflow to cover the need (take an image, remove alpha channel, compress the color space to 512 colors, and resize to a 930 px width.) I had and decided to share it. But, people had problems installing ImageMagick, so I included it inside it. Now, I can't seem to get GitHub to serve it properly.


    I will post the CompressImage workflow from my own website. I will post a link here for anyone that wants it when I get it up and tested there. Sorry for the problems.

  2. I just pushed another fix. It now works on my system with your test file, but it takes at least 5 minutes! That is a big picture. Sorry, I did not look at the two converter routines since you did not mention them, but they had the spaces in name problem. The "png-jpg" and "jpg-png" commands now work fine on your test image. Give this new version, 1.4, a try and see. Thanks for your feedback. You should be able to update it by Alley-OOP.

  3. I just pushed a fix for spaces being in the name. I always work with files without spaces, so I did not test that condition at all. If you still have a problem, see if your path to the file has a directory with spaces or not. Maybe that is the issue. Also, what type of file is it originally? Not sure if ImageMagick library handles all file type. I have only tested with png and jpg.

  4. Okay, which function were you using? If the 'ci' command or the 'Convert Image Directory' command? If these commands, did you set the extension first? What was the type of image you started with?


    Currently, the 'ci' and the 'Convert Image Directory' commands will scale it down to 930x? where the height will depend on the original image. You have to change the script manually to get a different resulting size. These commands I use for a specific project, so are not generic at all. But, I do plan on expanding it if people are interested.

  5. Hi,


    I just updated my workflow for compressing images and converting image types. I also noticed that I had not mentioned it in these forums. You can download it at my Git Hub account: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred


    'ci' is used to convert images to a smaller size and flatten them (remove alpha). The 'Convert Image Directory' directory action will also perform the same action on a directory of images. You currently have to change the script to get a different scale size.


    'jpg-png' will convert from jpg format into png format.


    'png-jpg' will convert from png format into jpg format.


    This workflow is heavy due to having the complete ImageMagick library. If you already have that library, you can change the scripts to use it and delete the library from the workflow.


    There is a lot of possibilities for this workflow. If you have a particular need, let me know and I will add or adopt to it. This workflow is AlleyOOP compliant.

  6. URL goes to 404 ... and it is a bit unclear to me what it actually will do!


    I fixed the link. Sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know.


    This workflow allows you to set a base name and extension for generating file names. It will then sequentially generate file names of the format: <basename>-<number>.<ext>. I save cover pictures for a movie player a whole lot. So, instead of remembering a lot of names, I just set a base name and go through a sequence. If I have to stop and come back, I do not have to worry about loosing notes at where I stopped. So, it is very handy for me.

  7. Well, it helped mine. But, it seems to not update cache when you tell it to download them. Now it is always saying the same ones need downloaded when I already did. Using oop! to clear the cache eliminated that problem.


    Yea, I think I have gone over board. It would be neat for Alfred to track which ones are used the most so that it would be easy to analyse which ones are the most needed. That would help decide which ones to eliminate due to not much usage.

  8. Okay. I am downloading and will try it out. Thanks! I should probably trim down my list (80+), but they are so helpful.


    Well, it worked. "Download All" now leaves them in the download directory. Thanks.


    I think the real speedup would be from keeping a list of workflows that supports AlleyOOP and just poll those. I have many workflows that are just mine and they still get checked for updates (at least the old code. I have not looked at your new code yet.)


    Keep it cranking!! Loving it all.

  9. I've updated it to version 2.5, and added caching. Caching the compatible workflows didn't do a whole lot of good, since the real slowdown was with the HTTP requests, so I added requests_cache back in with a 24-hour timeout window, as well as a new keyword (oop!) that'll force the cache to refresh itself. Let me know if you run into any difficulties with this version.


    Okay. I am downloading and will try it out. Thanks! I should probably trim down my list (80+), but they are so helpful.

  10. Hi phyllisstein,


    Bug Report:  The "download them all" option is not working for me. It says it did it, but my download directory is empty.


    Feature Request:  It would be nice if it could cache the search results and clear it each day or have an option to clear it. It takes quit a while for it to go through all of my workflows. It might be good to generate and keep a list of workflows that work with AlleyOOP and only search that list for updates. That would help to speed it up.


    Thanks for a great helping workflow!!!

  11. Updated the functionality of this workflow and added AlleyOOP compatibility. The 'vweek' command now completely works (I believe for sure this time). Could everyone test it and let me know what you find out? Thanks! Working on the ability to edit the time logs graphically.

  12. Hi jarhead,


    I just saw your post. Sorry, I did not know you posted. I just updated that script to allow for accumulating the time of all videos in a directory. I have cleaned the script up also. Give this one a try and see if it works.


    Question: Does any of directories along the path to the video file contain spaces or other special characters? I had that problem once, but I thought it was fixed. Please let me know.

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