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rouraito's Achievements

Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. It's clear enough, thank you! I'm currently working on reading saved text files part...
  2. I've write a simple run search on a dictionary website. The input could be one word or multiple words. In latter case, the workflow would generate multiple feedbacks about the meaning, pronunciation and other infos. I use this workflow to learn fresh words by copying the outputs to my note. My problem is: for convenience, sometimes I would copy one sentence as input while there are only a few words I really want to search. Now I use the output action "copy to clipboard" but it can only copy one item at a time. I have to run the workflows many times to finish my work, which is very time-consuming. I am wondering if there is a way to copy multiple feedbacks to the clipboard at one time. 'cause then I can pick them in the clipboard without running the same workflow again and again. Thank you.
  3. Thank you! Don't know why I didn't try that intuitive command, silly me...
  4. I have accidentally added an unnecessary component in my workflow, is there a way to get rid of it? Sorry if the question has already been answered before, but I've searched for quite a while before I post this.
  5. Nice workflow, thank you for creating it. Is it possible to add storage infos? (usage, available space)
  6. Great workflow! Thank you for creating it! I have one question: When I input command like "r Laundry Detergent in shopping list", if I don't have "shopping" list in my reminder, nothing happens. How about letting the workflow check the existence of the list inputted and create it if not it dose not already exist?
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