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Posts posted by nitingoyal

  1. FYI - the duplicate keypress thing is a known bug in Alfred, reported elsewhere (can't find the thread right now). I've seen it on my own workflows too - it seems to happen after you backspace or edit your query in the Alfred window. So I don't think you need to worry about that particular one.

    happens on my side without any backspace or editing.

    @Pedro, one more thing I have noticed, there is duplicate key press only when i type account name/description. If I type any folder name (inbox, archive or spam), there is no such issue.

  2. Ah, finally managed to replicate on my system too. 


    Trigger hotkey, start typing something. Delete to beginning of line and start type again. I'll update the bug report above stating that this is still happening. It could be something on the workflows end but not sure.


    Will report back with more news once I have it.

    Here's a quick video of the error in action, can you confirm this is what happens to you too? (http://cl.ly/0d0p3g0A3M2K)

    this is not exactly the same.

    Trigger Hotkey, start typing, first two letters are typed ok, after that each letter is displayed/typed twice.

    example: iclloouudd, inbbooxx.

  3. Hmm, that is strange indeed. I can't replicate this no matter how I try. Have you tried changing hotkeys?


    Please try the following:

    1. Change hotkeys and try again (Fixed if not then step 2);
    2. Remove the hotkey trigger and re-add. Try again if not fixed try step 3;
    3. Install this simple workflow and trigger the hotkey see if that happens too: http://cl.ly/2I3f2k1g2A2Z

    1. not fixed.

    2. not fixed

    3. test workflow works fine.

    this issue of repeating keys is only in Mail Actions workflow. all my other workflows are not affected.

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