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Posts posted by sepulchra

  1. Hello,


    I am just trying to clean up my system. I'm currently running alfred 3. I would like to remove alfred 2 and associated support files. Can some direct me to which files I can delete that are not necessary to run alfred 3?



  2. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? I'm not a programmer but I found this apple script which toggles the mic input from 50% to 0. Sadly it has no bearing on the mic when it is being used with facetime.



    set inputVolume to input volume of (get volume settings)

    if inputVolume = 0 then
        set inputVolume to 50
        set inputVolume to 0
    end if
    set volume input volume inputVolume
    I often use facetime for meetings and I type on a loud mechanical keyboard. I'd love to be able to mute the mic with a keystroke and unmmute it. Is there possible some way to do this via the accessibility options. Anyone game to help me out with this one?
  3. Hi all,

    As TychoX mentioned, I finally got a chance to install Alfred 2 over the weekend and updated my Dark Sky workflow. You can download the 2.0 compatible version at http://cl.ly/2y031N34363G.

    I'm working on a script filter version of the workflow that puts the output inline like David's Weather workflow. I want to make it better, like setting up latitude and longitude in Alfred rather than the settings, but for now here's the script filter version you can check out: http://cl.ly/0x2n0h1U0C1o

    Let me know if you find bugs or if it just plain doesn't work.


    Nick, When I ran the workflow it only displayed the forecast for 24 hours on the initial launch. All subsequent launches reveal "Now" and "the next hour"

  4. Not sure on this one but you could always try AlfredTweet for shooting out quick tweets and many other things.

    David I've been playing with AlfredTweet and kudos to you on all of the great work. I still like being able to bounce to tweetbot as well. I've set a note to the tapbots folks to see what they have to say.

  5. I know this is very basic, but I am trying to solve a simple problem. I also don't code. I'm just trying to use tweetbot's URL scheme to create a new tweet in tweetbot with a custom search.  


    I'm using this URL: tweetbot://<screenname>/post?text={query}


    Encode query using UTF8 is checked.


    It functions but it places the tweetbot window at the bottom the bottom my tweetbot timeline. I'm guessing this is how tweetbot issue, but i'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. 




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