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Posts posted by cortig

  1. The Workflow sure works great for me, but I'm trying to understand your approach (and create other workflows on the same idea for other e-mail clients).

    Why use a script at all? Can the same thing be done with a filter?

    You can limit the scope to ~/Library/Mail/V2 and use the kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses, kMDItemAuthors and kMDItemSubject metadata fields.

    What's wrong with that approach?


    I'm unsure how it all works, because I've ran into a few things I couldn't figure out when I tried (eg: using kMDItemContentType didn't seem to make any difference at all, that's why I eventually had to resort to limiting the scope).



  2. I don't know if it is doable, but could the localization be provided as some sort of a plugin containing the corresponing .lproj?

    Then the plug-in would have to be updated by whoever provided it, without slowing down the releases. You also wouldn't take the blame for any lack of quality in the localization work…

    Just a thought :-)



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