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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hi Vero, It would be helpful if we can get an easier option to duplicate an existing web search. So that we don't need to start from scratch to setup a new web search like the logo and all. Thank you.
  2. # Built With Alfred Workflow ## About: This workflow will help you find out what websites are Built With. Just trigger the workflow and select the opened browser tab to see the tech stack that is used to build the website. ## Example https://builtwith.com/www.alfredforum.com ## Installation Download the workflow and import it into Alfred. ### Copyrights Copied it from http://www.packal.org/workflow/search-safari-and-chrome-tabs. Made minor changes to the workflow to integrate it with Built With.
  3. Thanks for the workflow, It would be awesome if you can display process name exactly as displayed in Activity Monitor.
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